Sunday, February 06, 2005

Waning February-March Moon

Feb 28 Monday
Monday’s intense disseminating Scorpio Moon helps us eliminate whatever does not meet our standards so that we can birth our ideals. Things can fall into place and be given their proper weight. Holding on to previous behaviors brings stagnation that can erupt in tumultuous changes. If the oft-used stuff hits the fan, it can feel like being hurled into a cave of blinding darkness. Yet with a shift in attitude, like the striking of a match, an inner light goes on that can guide one through a process of awakening to letting go of the past and to starting anew.

Mar 1 Tuesday
This Scorpio Moon can cloak us in such a way that we can go about our business yet be caught up completely in our own worlds. It can be as if we have discovered our personal treasure trove of inner riches. It won’t be easy though to keep the glitter of them hidden from others. Try as we might, our self-attentiveness may be noticed and appreciated. As it allows others to embrace their own ideals. An enriching process, as well as its opposite: a depleting one, are Scorpionic. When we don’t allow change, we deplete ourselves and others. When we do, we enrich.

Mar 2 Wednesday
The morning may start out feeling disjointed, mixed up, and frenzied, as the Moon is void of course in Scorpio. At 11:29 am, MST, she moves into Sagittarius and picks up on how we are aligned, or not, with our associates. With Sag, there’s an optimistic longing of wanting to spread our values and ideals. Satisfaction may come from thinking about open-hearted situations that foster such social exchanges. Where can we find or create such settings? By envisioning such gatherings, we can conjure them up and call them into our future.

Mar 3 Thursday
The Sagittarius Moon enters her last quarter phase at 10:35 am, MST. This calls for celebrating our attainments and then shifting our awareness to study new possibilities. Have you seen hidden connections between your actual behavior with others and your idealized version of interaction? Or do your relationships seem muddled and chaotic? Well no matter your responses, keep in mind that nothing is constant. And during the last quarter phase it is wise to be vigilant, even amidst a sense of relief that something has come to fruition.

Mar 4 Friday
This morning’s Sagittarius Moon carries a feeling of importance. We may have a sense of needing to formalize some concepts—as if giving voice to them will bind us or, others, to them. At 2:45 pm, MST, the Moon goes void of course for about a half hour. This unbounded state can feel like endless freedom to explore vast terrain. At 3:12 pm, however, boundaries become apparent as the Moon moves into Capricorn. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow at 11:30 to noon for the weekend Moon Minute. You can also hear us on the worldwide web at

Mar 5 Saturday

With a Capricorn Moon and Pisces Sun this weekend our juices can flow easily and we can free up energy for strenuous work, as well as enough to pick up subtle nuances that can influence future achievements. Very early Sunday morning the Moon goes void of course. Traditional Sunday morning spiritual practices can be exceptionally inspirational. If we set aside hardcore rationalism, we can cut through confusion and get to the heart of matters. This supports our recognizing hidden changes in ourselves and inner potentials for the future. At 4:49 pm, MST, the Moon enters socially-aware Aquarius.


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