Sunday, November 22, 2009

First Quarter and Gibbous Moon

November 23 Monday
With this Aquarius Moon we can become more aware of the subtle spiritual and emotional support that permeates the rhythms of our lives. Our capacity for receiving and belonging is elastic. Observe how much you can stretch yours. A generous intention to be the bringer of good news will suffice. When you show up with it, others, including yourself, will be the recipients of blessings. Such wellbeing is contagious along with a flow of interactional inspiration. As evening approaches with a void of course Moon at 8:36 pm, MT, we may experience self-forgetting in the midst of strangeness.

November 24 Tuesday
With this morning’s void of course Aquarius Moon our minds may be illuminated with forthright images of how to make some progress. At 8:07 am, MT, the Moon moves into boundless Pisces where compassion can spill into just about anyone and anything. Opportunities abound for transformative encounters. At 2:39 pm, the Moon enters her first quarter phase. It’s time to make moves for advancing those deep inner urges for having something new to explore. Now through the end of the week is the best time for action.

November 25 Wednesday
The Pisces Moon heightens feelings of empathy and sympathy. Universal love flows easily and can help us take things as they happen on this often frantic day before Thanksgiving. Relating to others today can be stimulating in original ways, as well as eye-opening. Spectacles may seemingly come out of nowhere. People may seem to be playing off of each other. With Pisces, some may be thin-skinned and a bit touchy. But if we hold a Piscean vision of universal serenity and harmony, we can navigate this often chaotic day with a delicate transcendence that emits an ambiance of genuine care and acceptance seasoned with compassion.

November 26 Thursday
The charitable Pisces Moon goes void of course at 7:17 am, MT, until this evening, bringing a little confusion or neglect to the wholesome camaraderie of Thanksgiving Day. There are, moreover, other energies at work putting thoughts into agreeable actions, perhaps with some spicy contentious ideas. Conversations will be stimulating, keeping you on your toes. It may be difficult to discern what you want from both engaging with others and with food options. This Pisces Moon indicates what is essential today. That is a sensitive heart full of gratitude! The Moon moves into lively Aries at 8:11 pm. Happy Thanksgiving Day!

November 27 Friday
With this Aries Moon something may have emerged into our consciousness about the structure of our motivations, more specifically how we categorize things according to how they energize us. Notice how important, or not, the role of social interaction is as a driving force in your life. Aries is on fire and willing to actively engage with whatever arises today. Attunement to the inner light of one’s soul is easily available. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

November 29 Saturday
The Aries Moon entered her gibbous phase at 12:39 pm, MT. At this stage we can feel the fullest of what’s possible, like sensing the heat of a molten lava flow before seeing it. Our subconscious mind is pulling us towards some new reality. The excitement of it is knocking at our hearts. At 4:33 pm, the Moon begins to void herself of energetic Aries, weakening any drive to immediately initiate a new direction. Early Sunday morning the Moon moves into Taurus letting nature take its course in assisting us towards an unfamiliar arena.


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