Sunday, October 28, 2012

Full and Disseminating Moon

October 29 Monday With this Taurus Moon there’s a tendency to let things fall into place if current fears have been set aside. One’s best can stand out if opportunities are used to improve well-being. Scary thoughts about the natural course of current events can disorient values. At 1:49 pm, MT, the Moon is at her fullest, beginning a phase of revelations about inner resources that have awakened and risen to the surface of our consciousness. Emotional eruptions may be difficult to control this afternoon. And at 3:01 pm, the Moon goes void of course until Wednesday afternoon! Feelings may become confusing! October 30 Tuesday With this void of course Taurus Moon lasting all day, we may have difficulty knowing what we want. Restless and agitated feelings send us heading seemingly in all directions at once. Spending some quiet time in nature can clear our minds and help us relax. A voiding Taurus Moon can draw out the inner spirit which enthuses our natural world. Unconscious guidelines about what is of true value can come to mind when needed. On the other hand, the waning strength of Taurus can leave us uncertain and suspicious. Perceptions could be dulled, and things could get messy. October 31 Wednesday The Taurus Moon is still void of course this morning, sweeping off the dulled ideals of the past. During this time, we can be inspired about getting out of situations that no longer hold any value if we reflect on such a condition. We can take advantage of opportunities for inner guidance by maintaining a passive, low key state of being until this afternoon. At 12:40 pm, MT, the Moon moves into rarely idle Gemini. We may be inundated with a sea of information and ready to embrace new ideas yet feel dizzy trying to sort them. Insights come to light about what has awakened within us. November 1 Thursday With this Gemini Moon we can dive into ourselves and thoroughly examine a newly awakened part of ourselves and how it could be operating in our lives. We can feel a personal and mysterious closeness to this unraveling awareness of self-discovery. A child-like excitement may over-inflate us, stirring up exaggerated expressions of what we’re realizing. This can bring up restlessness and impatience, familiar traits for Gemini. This sign can get obsessed with a detail. To avoid getting stuck in a groove, we need to make concentrated efforts to bring all that we’ve learned together. November 2 Friday The Gemini Moon went void of course early this morning until after midnight. We may feel overwhelmed by external stimuli today. The more we engage with our environment, the messier it gets. At 5:30 pm, MT, the Moon enters her disseminating phase when clear awareness arrives about what we are dealing with during this Moon cycle. Understanding follows which can help us jump in and gather information to make a decision about related discoveries. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. November 3 Saturday Early this morning the Moon moved into emotionally self-confident Cancer. We may feel intrigued by something unexpected yet cautious about letting it lead us in a new direction. Staying in control seems to be a priority even while trying something for the first time. There’s a drive to gather resources together to experiment with certain possibilities. The Moon goes void of course early Sunday morning until Monday afternoon. While she is slipping off the defensiveness of Cancer, we may lose a sense of our boundaries and be easily influenced by others. Or we may overstep into the lives of familiar companions.


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