Sunday, May 19, 2013

Gibbous-Full Moon

May 20 Monday This Virgo Moon can heed the signals as to what to hold onto that displays one’s best talents and what to throw in the compost. At 10:48 am, MT, the Moon voids herself of discriminating Virgo for nineteen minutes and then moves into accommodating Libra. Minds are juggling ideas, especially after the Sun moves into creative thinking Gemini at 3:09 pm. Pondering certain concepts could get obsessive. Deep-reaching evolutionary movements capture attention as sudden urges erupt to push social limits aside in anticipation of another turning point in our collective consciousness. May 21 Tuesday The Libra Moon starts the day spreading intense desires for control and freedom in a state of chaos. Crazy schemes could be worth pursuing, but don’t expect a map! Delight can be found in any attainment of what is sought. Studying problems with others can lead to progress. At 3:07 pm, MT, the Moon enters her gibbous phase. Gaining a sense of fulfillment depends on how well one can let go of a possession and or of a self-concept which clogs or darkens one’s inner life. It’s also a time for assessing how a particular talent might best be used to express one’s spiritual life. The magical realities of the mind might escape us but a willingness to be in rapport with them can lead to some enchantment. May 22 Wednesday The Libra Moon is void of course, fanning off the graceful social skills of Libra until this afternoon. During the morning we can be upheld by a spirit of love which can glide us through engagements unless we are misguided by deceptive practices. At 2:55 pm, MT, the Moon moves into the secretive prospects of Scorpio. We can dip into the rejuvenating talents of this sign by living up to inner aspirations. Scorpio is a survivor who can rise above many tests. Today we can draw upon this sign’s enormous emotional strengths to either let things fall into place on their own or to pour ourselves into working them to completion. May 23 Thursday The Scorpio Moon’s instinctive antenna has feelers out for maintaining good connections, especially those that can lead to improvements. It intuitively knows at what level things and people are operating and where tweaks can be made for more desirable results. Today the Scorpio in each of us picks up on peculiar patterns that lead to either inclusion or rejection. Throughout the day encounters with others trigger projections of what’s messed up within ourselves. We might see our personal demons in associations. Compassion and self-modesty are called for along with self-examination. May 24 Friday This Scorpio Moon can trigger a change of plans as she goes void of course at 7:55 am, MT, until mid-afternoon. Our get-up-and-go might fizzle out, but our psyches are ripe and ready for inspiration. If we choose to ignore the hazy, other-worldly quality of a voiding Moon, we might experience a tendency to aimlessly meander into the afternoon. Some of us might even encounter ghosts coming up from the depths of our psyches. At 3:49 pm, the Moon moves into philosophical Sagittarius, preparing to see in the dark as the earth eclipses her at 10:11 pm. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. May 25 Weekend Last night’s eclipsed full Sagittarius Moon began a phase of realizations about our abilities at questioning what blows through our minds. Do we push and extend ideas to see what’s possible. Do we attempt to see things differently? Exploration of how others deal with their inner lives can support a critical evaluation of one’s own. Sunday at 4:22 am, MT, the Moon begins to void herself of inquiring Sagittarius until the afternoon. We might be immobilized by a lack of direction but free to be a mind traveler. At 3:28 pm, the Moon moves into the aspirations of Capricorn, sometimes spiraling, sometimes hierarchical.


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