Sunday, April 19, 2015

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

Monday April 20 The Taurus Moon is void of course until this afternoon. While she is sweeping off the steady, methodical approaches of Taurus, we may become less confidant of pursuing anything or anyone unfamiliar. And with the Sun having moved into Taurus early this morning, we may prefer to remain stable in conventional ways. At 5:28 pm, MT, the Moon moves into fluctuating Gemini. With every blink of the eye a different object or idea can have our attention. Details may weigh us down and distract us from considering the greater context of what is happening today. The little things, however, can provide a sense of our inner awareness of how attuned we are to the wisdom which guides us. Tuesday April 21 This Gemini Moon takes us on a bumpy ride through the best and worst of thoughts and imaginations. Each of us is called to single out a need as well as the desire to satisfy it. There’s an urge to have it spotlighted, and the will to work hard for it. A sense of excellence drives us to succeed. A deep-rooted connection to the rhythm of intuitive guidance is available. There’s excitement and sudden changes of mind. Hyper-stimulation keeps us alert, wanting to be well-informed. Tension can build if we don’t find outlets for it. Late tonight at 11:38, MT, the Moon goes void of course for twenty-three hours of amazing and perhaps confusing thoughts. Wednesday April 22 Last night the Gemini Moon entered her crescent phase when we can get a perspective on what’s building up and looming on the horizon regarding how attuned we are from within to the outer truth surrounding us. What’s important at this time is how much effort we are willing to exert in continuing to notice how we listen to messages from our subconscious minds and whether or not we act on them—and if we do, how. The Gemini Moon is void of course until tonight. Under this condition some of our thoughts on this matter can be hard to penetrate. Processing them can be difficult. There can be, however, a plethora of inspirations worth jotting down for further consideration. The Moon moves into refreshing Cancer at 10:25 pm, MT. Thursday April 23 With this Cancer Moon plenty of images come to mind about which course of action to take today. We may be groping for an ideal way to express the connections and influences which affect our decisions. There’s an awareness of the potential of a broader picture of how we use inspirations to attain something good and true. We might, however, be confronted by patterns of self-destruction when we neglect to exert ourselves in the cause of improving ourselves and our self-knowledge. The Cancer in each of us longs for an inner feeling of wholeness which arrives when all of who we are comes together in perfect harmony. Friday April 24 This Cancer Moon brings feelings of being at home with oneself in one’s own unique rhythm from inner to outer patterns. Provocative thoughts can move gracefully. The Moon goes void of course at 11:04 am, MT, until tomorrow morning. While she’s rinsing off the ever-watchfulness of Cancer, we can flow through the day to the subtle nuances of our emotional states. Today we can tap into an emotional experience of our inner selves by imagining our consciousness pouring into our bodies like water going into and through every cell. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend April 25 and 26 The Moon moved into the honest self-representation of Leo early this morning. We can maintain our composure in the face of obstacles or high expectations. At 5:55 pm, MT, the Moon enters her first quarter phase. A commitment to head in a new direction is needed—one that is prompted by the need to leave behind an uptight habit of responding to what one knows internally to be the truth. A bright new approach is needed, and it’s time to act it out. On Sunday we can experiment with new ways and take a more objective approach in handling our honesty with friends and close associates.


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