Second Week of Lunation Cycle
Feb 14 Monday
Starting the week with a crescent Taurus Moon induces us to value reclaiming a sacred part of ourselves that births enduring wisdom. Maintain an inner calm that can materialize what you are envisioning. We can be susceptible to the influence of others today. This can lead to denial of dysfunctional behavior, of repeating patterns that keep us stuck in a groove, like the old turntable needle playing “come back, come back, come back”. Of course, others COULD influence us in progressive ways, especially if they too are following the voice of the inner, all accommodating feminine.
Feb 15 Tuesday
Tuesday’s Taurus Moon invites us to switch from its familiar concrete thinking mode to the feeling mode that picks up the ethereal energy of physical matter. This can help us dig deeper for the juice to pursue a revolutionary departure from our usual behavior. At 5:16 pm, MST, the Moon is exactly at her first quarter shape, beginning an active phase of diligently removing earlier self concepts about how one MUST conduct one’s self and getting over disappointments. Consider these changes as stripping away false layers of yourself to reveal your true core.
Feb 16 Wednesday
We have a Gemini Moon this Wednesday, tempting us to pack our day with a variety of activities, helter-skelter, and to be the magnetic core of it all. The lunar contacts, however, present a tension that gets relieved by deep, vertical introspection. The tension revolves around a mismatch between our outer circumstances and our inner awareness. We need to still our minds amidst high strung, fuzzy, erratic energy to tap into our inner wisdom. By making the inner connection, we can generate the vitality needed to end this day refreshed and lit up like the Moon!
Feb 17 Thursday
Thursday morning is permeated with a harmonious transmission of ideas, compatible associations, and alertness! The Moon is still in Gemini, supporting agility to shift and change with the flow of information. Set aside some time to communicate with your inner parts that relate to the communication of power, like, the part of you that is a crafty tyrant, the part of you that cleverly manipulates, the part that shrewdly conceals, the part that tells secrets, the part that knows about depression, the part that is obsessed with rational discourse. Such an inner dialogue can stimulate one’s development.
Feb 18 Friday
Listen to your internal chatter this morning, and heed its advice. The Moon is void of course in Gemini until 10:13 am, MST, when she moves into Cancer, a water sign. And at 6:32 am, the Sun moves into Pisces, another water sign. We can feel truly nurtured and sustained by submerging ourselves in what we are drawn to, by playing with what tugs at the strings of our self-love. The wonders that dwell within us want to buoy us up out of inertia. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow at 11:30 to noon for the weekend Moon Minute. You can also hear us on the worldwide web at
Feb 19 Saturday
With a Cancer Moon for most of the weekend, we can simplify complex matters and slip out of old calcified structures. The Moon enters her gibbous phase at 7:45 pm, MST. This signals a time to live from the passion of one’s heart and to seek whatever completes that passion, whatever brings it to the fullness of life. The Moon is void of course most of Sunday, refining our sense of feeling. Retreating to a tranquil place, or at least sheltering one’s self from too much outer stimulation is advised. A calm environment supports our grasping the inspiration to be had.
Moon Minute was produced by Merrylin LeBlanc, host of MoonWise on Saturdays at 11:30am on ksfr.
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