Sunday, November 20, 2005

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

November 21 Monday
Monday morning’s Leo Moon asks us to quicken our pace to keep up with things. Not easy to do with the Moon slowing down and Mercury and Mars retrograde. Role playing, trying things out, might fill the bill. Whatever cast of characters you want to take on, start with how it feels in your heart to be in that role, and allow your outer appearance to match that character’s. Then if you’re awake enough, you can blast through the rest of the day unstoppable. But remember that this may be difficult, and sometimes the slightest bit of effort can magically be all that is needed.

November 22 Tuesday
Tuesday’s Leo Moon feels like taking on the world, especially with the Sun having entered Sagittarius. There’s an air of robust heartiness that is conducive to clearly defining what you stand for and how you want to present it. Each of us can have a stellar appearance today if we are willing to look on the bright side of what’s happening to us and radiate it! Every change, no matter how painful, has some gift that needs to be honored for us to be able to bask happily in its blessings. The Moon will be void of course from 10:25 pm, MST until 11:41 tomorrow morning. Plunge into optimism!

November 23 Wednesday
While the Leo Moon is void of course this morning, let go of outlived, former ways of identifying yourself. At 11:41 am, MST, the Moon skips into Virgo, certain that she will square off with the Sun at 3:11 pm, beginning her last quarter phase. It’s time to finish up honoring accomplishments during this cycle and to start to re-orient one’s attention to what could be next. Don’t cling to the past. Through social engagement, we might gain access to details that offer a direction at these crossroads of what might be one’s next pursuit.

November 24 Thursday
The Virgo Moon on Thanksgiving Day suggest we attune ourselves to the spiritual mystique of this holiday and its subtle emotional undercurrents and find a personal way to express gratitude. This may stimulate others to do their best to also express appreciation for the good in our lives. We may anticipate getting around unspoken social rules or familiar power plays so that a pleasurable day is had by all. Virgo can create a sense of shared emotional experience and exhibit playfulness in so doing. Sleeping late or all day on Friday may be beneficial as the Moon will be void of course. Happy Thanksgiving!

November 25 Friday
If you have important work to do today, the morning is the best time for it. At 11:10 am, MST, the Virgo Moon goes void of course till midnight! This clouds Virgo’s precision, and the usual everyday activities could teeter one way and then the other as a result of indecisiveness. If you’re one of those holiday shoppers today, focus on those purchases you are absolutely sure about. Objects bought on a whim during a void Moon could turn out to be useless for you or the intended recipient. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 11:30 to noon MST for the weekend Moon Minute.

November 26 Saturday
We have a Libra Moon for the weekend, helping us share our ideas about recent experiences and turn loose on others their wisdom. Exchanging important bits of information can actually help us get out from under unproductive behavioral patterns. On Sunday at 4:17 pm, MST, the Moon enters her balsamic phase of taking all the current, multi-leveled streams of our lives and unifying them around some central quest that we can throw ourselves wholehearted into. Prepare to turn over a new leaf with this coming Thursday’s new Moon.


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