Sunday, October 30, 2005

Scorpio New Moon

October 31 Monday
Starting the week with a Libra Moon puts a diplomatic emphasis on relationships. Reconciliation is sought based on common ground. We may be spellbound by the potential of new approaches to social interaction. At 4:17 pm, MST, The Moon goes void of course for the rest of the day. Reluctance to engage in assertive action or to generate anything new or even to take responsibility for one’s actions prevails during this time. There is a seed germinating that hints at our spiritual union with others and the subordination of our individual preferences to support social bonds.

November 1 Tuesday
The Moon is in Scorpio, supporting deep introspection and clarity about some intimate relations. Engaging in this process may liberate us from some state of illusion. Be willing to let go of irritation, jealousy, or vindictiveness. Such releasing can be regenerative. At 6:25 pm, MST, we have a New Moon! This encounter of the Sun and the Moon begins a cycle of feeding emotional ties, of finding ways to resolve the problem areas that exist in our relationships so that we don’t drown in their dysfunction, but are nurtured and delighted in their spiritual strength.

November 2 Wednesday
Wednesday’s Scorpio Moon probes the battles that keep us apart from others, or even from aspects within ourselves. The Moon goes void of course at 7:05 am, MST, for the rest of the day! This mind-boggling period can overwhelm us with insights into how we delude ourselves in social bonds that ravenously feed our ability to play the victim or to engage in rescuing others at the expense of losing ourselves. Watch for adamant denial today on any issue involving social clashes. And seek inspiration for how to re-do behavior to acquire health, wholeness.

November 3 Thursday
At 6:55 am, MST, the Moon leaves the secretive realm of Scorpio and enters the venturesome spirit of Sagittarius. Our minds can gather up our experiences in all of our alliances and zero in on the wisdom gained from them. We can pinpoint the underlying strengths and weaknesses of those bonds. They can trigger an awakening to deeply held patterns that arise when free rein is given to passions as well as to how events unfold when we move with universal grace and love as goodness is sought for all concerned, including one’s self. Strive for spiritual clarity today.

November 4 Friday
Friday the Sagittarius Moon tests our authenticity and open-mindedness. Can we withstand group pressures and present our beliefs as they’ve changed through our lives? Can we do this without assumptions or expectations? There’s a ragged edge between loyalty to old comrades and speaking the truth when it goes against previously held views. Openheartedly expressing a fresh perspective may help others see beyond the differences. The Moon is void of course from 10:58 pm, MST, until 11:17 Saturday morning. Contemplate on your commitment to your beliefs. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow at 11:30 to noon for the weekend Moon Minute. You can also hear us on the worldwide web at

November 5 Saturday
The void Sagittarius Moon entered her crescent phase this morning and at 11:17 am, MST, she moves into Capricorn. It’s time to decide on a course of action for evaluating how one asserts individuality and authority within a social circle while keeping the lines of communication open and respecting the expectations of the group. Consider re-doing activities that develop your capacity to shine. Sunday, after 1:18 pm, the Moon is void of course until Monday afternoon. We may feel withdrawn and confused about our reputation during this period.


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