Monday, October 27, 2008

New Moon and Crescent Moon

October 27 Monday
The balsamic Libra Moon is extremely impressionable while hidden by the Sun’s light. We, too, may be easily swayed by bright ideas and warm feelings. Libra designed consensus agreement, making it the ideal way to go for today’s decision-making, if something cannot be put on hold until after tomorrow’s new Moon. There’s a climate of pushingness to overcome the inertia of disintegrating or decaying structures. Big things can happen by understanding what is needed to support making room for more changes and being the source of bringing another reality into being.

October 28 Tuesday
The Moon enters Scorpio at 5:47 am, MT. Scorpio is a sign that pulls us into feeling everything, to experiencing the immense creative forces permeating our world as well as the destructive ones. Nothing is off limits. There is much to desire and to gratify. Scorpio, much like the fall season, however, tells us that to have it all we have to let it all go. It encompasses the alchemy of recycling. The new Moon, at 5:14 pm, stirs up our desires and urges us to manifest at least one of them, to test our ambitious nature to evaluate our power and skill to satisfy our interests.

October 29 Wednesday
With Scorpionic ambition, the Moon favors over-activity today if one is passionately seeking something precious. A crisis-point may be reached this afternoon wherein it is best to heed signs of what needs to be relinquished. Holding on may only thwart one’s efforts while letting go may provide a churning of excitement for new ways and means. Purpose can override setbacks. Late tonight, at 11:45, MT, the Moon goes void of course while also going out of bounds. This can amount to extreme strength and mysterious coincidences that support one’s cause. The Moon drains herself of Scorpio until late tomorrow afternoon.

October 30 Thursday
The out of bounds, void of course Scorpio Moon, hidden by the Sun in the southern sky, can inspire new visions and outlooks. By going with the flow, we might find ourselves in unorthodox situations that provide moments to break free of inhibitions as long as we don’t obsess on the past, allow ourselves to be susceptible to our weaknesses, or dwell on the worst possible consequences. New modes of security are available. Be concerned with persevering and concentrating one’s power. At 4:41 pm, MT, the Moon moves into expansive, life-affirming Sagittarius.
October 31 Friday
The Sagittarius Moon can take us beyond the veils of conscious life into the hidden life of the soul on this Halloween day when we can easily play with masks and the tricky side of who we are. Rebelliousness and eccentricity are not only allowed, they are energized, on full speed with free associations. Imagine harnessing the collective chaos while all experiences of soul are give free-reign, and focusing that energy on manifesting a harmony beyond all troubles. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

November 1 Saturday
With this Saturday’s Sagittarius Moon, we may experience erratic feelings about our ability to stick with extremely trying circumstances. Could we promote reform or exhibit rebellion? There is a sudden release of constriction, an exquisite opening to explore alternatives. At 7:01 pm, MT, the Moon enters her crescent phase, urging us to get into a rhythm supportive of our goals for greater unity. During the night the Moon transitions, voiding herself of Sagittarius and moving into Capricorn early Sunday morning. With Capricorn we can grasp the complexities of our ambitious nature.


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