Monday, November 17, 2008

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

November 17 Monday
The Cancer Moon goes void of course at 6:43 am, MT, flushing off the exotic, flowing images of Cancer that offer greater understanding about how our needs and desires take charge and often re-orient our frame of reference. A tranquil morning can provide moments for reflection on this; too much activity may lead nowhere. At 2:07 pm, the Moon moves into genuine Leo, and opportunities emerge to celebrate amassed knowledge of overall patterns in life. It may be difficult to articulate the awareness of the unique combination of subtle forces and activities that have produced such self-knowing.

November 18 Tuesday
On this last day of a disseminating Leo Moon, fleeting moments may appear to embrace long-time affiliations that have promoted your self-interests. If engaged, these connections may encourage future development or reinforce the old you. If the latter materializes, consider how the skills and behaviors of the past can become stepping stones to an evolving you. The past needs to be stirred up to participate in currently requested changes. The future intrudes and invites us to fully integrate all of our faculties. And Leo ignites us to align with radical changes.

November 19 Wednesday
Creative juices flow freely into everyday habits with this Leo Moon. Our minds probe beneath the obvious surface appearance of things to express their meaning and value fancifully and freely. The Moon enters her last quarter phase at 2:31 pm, MT, drawing together everything that20we have learned about our ambitions and their needs in order to evaluate them. What is important here that can be harness for future power? The Moon voids herself of the ego desires of Leo within the short time between 5:47 and 6:13 pm, an ideal time to contemplate transcending personal cravings before the Moon moves into the labors of Virgo.

November 20 Thursday
The last quarter Virgo Moon is attracted to the many possibilities that burn bright within us. Check them out; evaluate the functionality of each and how they measure up to our accumulated acquisitions, both tangible and intangible. It’s ideal, today, to use an inner resource to explore some wild idea that promises future sustenance. Virgo loves nature, both tamed and untamed. She represents an immense commitment to understanding all the facets of the earth, pinpointing the beauty and preciousness of each. Observation skills come to the forefront to zoom in on what is striking and special.

November 21 Friday
With this Virgo Moon we may analyze how we utilize information and handle our privileges and responsibilities. This can assist us in discerning what to leave behind as we begin to anticipate some shifts in our daily activity. Some information may come to light that may suggest how to maneuver from old ways to new ones. The Sun moving into Sagittarius at 3:44 pm, MT, rekindles the fires of inspiration. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

November 22 Saturday
The Moon moved into Libra very early this morning. Libra deals with fairness. If one’s ambitious nature or the object of one’s desire is under assault, there may be a battle in the works. Libra will defend crystallized ideals. Sunday morning at 9:13, MT, the Moon enters her balsamic phase. This stage of the cycle calls for the release of all of one’s proficiency at multi-tasking on automatic pilot in a relaxed mode so that one can envision new possibilities. Let the Libra measuring scales remind you to balance outer activities with inner imagination, receptive to inspirations.


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