Sunday, December 20, 2009

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

December 21 Monday
The Aquarius Moon goes void of course at 5:54 am, MT, blowing off the strange remnants of Aquarius that combine reason and intuition. During the next eleven hours we may feel like we are operating in an imaginary world. The Winter Solstice occurs during this time at 10:47 am, and we can seize that moment to envision our relationship with the Sun during the ensuing year. This is a potent time for visualizing our hopes and wishes. At 4:42 pm, the Moon moves into boundless Pisces, flooding us with old forms of the past and inspiring us to weather life’s present trials.

December 22 Tuesday
The Pisces Moon blankets us in a sea of multiple realities in which each of us is mesmerized by images of an ideal that can draw us into a creative mode. By being unwavering in one’s beliefs and values today it is possible to express one’s feelings openly in a style uniquely personal no matter where those feelings fall on a full range of emotional states. Public displays are not typical of Pisces. This sign is ultra sensitive and can be shy and rather reserved about outwardly getting involved. Pisces has a selectivity that stems from wanting to avoid being betrayed or deceived.

December 23 Wednesday
With this Pisces Moon our selectivity meter may seem haywire. Many things and people are unpredictable, including oneself. It seems that everything is out in the open yet blending in oddly. And our minds may be extremely observant and able to be attendant to several things at once. This can be both a blessing and a curse on the day before a first quarter Moon. It’s a time for some decision-making and scattered or wild thoughts are leading to sudden changes of mind! Externalize the hidden side of things, and use gut reactions to make up your mind.

December 24 Thursday
The Moon moved into outgoing Aries early this morning, encouraging us to activate personal forces that can cut us loose from some old habit and generate a resourcefulness which can develop some new skill. The Moon enters her first quarter phase at 10:36 am, MT, when a symbolic act of shifting one’s attention from a certain habit to the development of a new behavior is in order. This could be something that reminds us of pooling energy with another, like blowing bubbles and merging them in mischievous ways that help us overcome any inertia to materializing some dream.

December 25 Friday
This Aries Moon reminds us of many enterprising moments of hard work that have reaped benefits, some of them fulfilling obligations that transmit cultural practices, like those of this holiday. Some are triggers for acting sensibly and responsibly in the future. Aries can evoke the image of sparks of light, each illuminating a decision to be alive, have fun, and prosper within a larger mythic context. Our thoughts and feelings about the origins of Christmas set off magical fireworks! Merry Christmas! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

December 26 Saturday
For most of this Saturday morning the Moon has been snuffing out the fiery impulses of Aries, weakening energy levels while Mercury goes retrograde at 7:38 am, MT, shifting support away from the externalization of communication and transportation towards an internalization process of reconsideration. At 1:25 pm, the Moon moves into nature-oriented Taurus and attends to an internal churning up of hidden resources. This can induce some determination to overcome obstacles that block powerful alliances for needed change.


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