Sunday, April 18, 2010

First Quarter and Gibbous Moon

April 19 Monday
The Moon moves into clinging-to-the-past Cancer at 5:39 am, MT. Cancer can feel the sting of an unkind world and without hesitating can retreat to familiar, old comforts. At this time in the Moon cycle some behavior needs to stand out from former ways, a behavior that has been lurking at the edge of our consciousness wanting to replace some out-dated habit. This evening at 10:30 the Sun moves into dependable, trustworthy Taurus. Light can be shed on a plan to adopt that improves present conditions. Taurus can fuel us to do what we need to do as if nothing else mattered.

April 20 Tuesday
With this Cancer Moon we may feel bound to behavioral patterns imprinted by family values. A load of memories and emotions may buoy to the surface. Some of them may be what one has been using to define one’s individuality. None of them is terrible. Each is coordinated to bring the sum total of our parts together in an awesome way. By reviewing our self images we can establish a new view of ourselves that rapidly flows into a readiness to expand consciousness. Cancer is quite aware of the units that compose a family, clan, or society and has great respect for anything integral.

April 21 Wednesday
This morning the Cancer Moon calls for bonding in certain relationships, within oneself or with others, to mobilize our attention to firmly commit to removing obstacles to improvements that will facilitate and enhance a more socially involved performance. The Moon begins to void herself of clannish Cancer at 8:07 am, MT, until 9:42 am, when she moves into open-hearted Leo. At 12:20 pm, she enters her first quarter phase, a time to shift our orientation towards some newly recognized awareness and develop what we value and enjoy about its possibilities. This transition is monumental and involves discharging built-up emotions.

April 22 Thursday
The Leo Moon reminds us of our spiritual identity, urging us to check out and express the most outstanding qualities of our nature, things like having the confidence to mix fun and business or taking risks to explore unfamiliar territory or inciting excitement! Leo is abundantly generous and can give deeply from its spirit. There is a conscious joie de vivre whenever a luminary, such as the Moon, or one of the planets is lit up by this sign. This joy not only needs to be infectious but also overpowering if there is any over-inflation of self or excessive willfulness to have one’s way.

April 23 Friday
Today’s Leo Moon calls for inner courage to work things out so that we can shatter any divisions that prevent us from emerging into a fuller, brighter existence. At 9:35 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course for three hours of snuffing out Leo’s inner longing for a synthesis of life’s experiences, which is something for us to ponder. At 12:24 pm, the Moon moves into life-force generating Virgo. Our thoughts and values mix together, groping after any inducement that enriches our lives. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

April 24 Saturday
The Virgo Moon has strong preferences, and with this Moon we may be thinking twice about what we allow into our lives today. At 9:24 pm, MT, the Moon enters her gibbous phase, a time to stay focused on priorities. In this cycle that has to do with bringing together either inner and outer components of one’s personality or some other relationship so that we can re-ground ourselves in a more enchanting reality. This takes great focus so that no details get lost. On Sunday at 12:21 pm, the Moon brushes off fastidious Virgo until 2:16 pm, when she moves into the judiciousness of Libra.


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