Sunday, April 04, 2010

Last Quarter and Balsamic Moon

April 5 Monday
The Capricorn Moon recognizes what counts. We can seize on what really matters about our feelings and ritually share that, giving others some deeper understanding of our make-up. And with the company of others we can make significant transitions allowing us to enjoy various yearnings. Our feelings and desires can move us along in the process of living, helping us avoid getting stuck or attached to particular notions. A closeness or absorption in relationships can intensify our power to improve. Capricorn is respectful of communal values and can find ways to efficiently and practically include everyone.

April 6 Tuesday
The Capricorn Moon entered her last quarter phase early this morning. This phase urges on a new direction out of a sense of necessity, which in this cycle is also spurred on by curiosity and emotional longings. We may need to take on more responsibility to handle what is possible. Letting things emerge step by step may allow us more opportunities for building a better future. Take a good look at your group dynamics, but don’t think about them too long lest you get stuck in your mind. Search for signs of something new emerging, something that resonates with your desires.

April 7 Wednesday
The Moon has been voiding herself of Capricorn’s lessons, and at 6:51 am, MT, she enters progressive Aquarius with a strong sense of what needs to be done to achieve an ideal. Epiphanies, breakthroughs, and innovations await us. We just need to commit to go for our longings rather than recoil from them. We may think it is impossible to cut new ground at this time even though we can feel how things can be improved. The key is to merge our emotions and thoughts, to listen to and trust our bodymind so that we churn up into the open what is hidden in our DNA. Our subconscious is saturated with information.

April 8 Thursday
This Aquarius Moon emphasizes a need to become more aware of the subtle spiritual and emotional sustenance that creates the rhythms of our lives. This is a kind of intelligence that connects us to collective and universal frequencies. We can sense this wisdom by keeping attuned to our bodily rhythms and accepting daily demands with gratitude and grace. Aquarius is gifted with self-observance and detailed inner knowledge, both of self and beyond. Through introspection many discoveries are made. Some lead to inner changes supporting self-sufficiency which can sometimes detach one from the world.

April 9 Friday
With this Aquarius Moon there’s a receptivity to clearing a space for some new behaviors. At 3:44 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course, blowing off the uncompromising stances of Aquarius for four hours. During this time our personal boundaries and independence may get disturbed, leaving us dissatisfied. There is also an easy-to-come-by sense of the beyond which can help us prepare for next week’s new Moon. The Moon moves into the malleable world of Pisces at 7:48 pm.

April 10 Saturday
The Pisces Moon entered her balsamic phase at 6:59 am, MT. This phase is about bringing together practically everything to brew up a new way of behaving. In this cycle it’s about selecting those feelings that make you feel special both on internally and externally. Think about the emotional states that celebratory moments bring and how they powerfully transport you to another level of being and motivate you to be adaptable. Sunday, anything goes to promote wellbeing. Nurture good habits and good company.


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