Sunday, October 03, 2010

Balsamic and New Moon

October 4 Monday
The Leo Moon enters her balsamic phase at 7:54 am, MT, and two minutes later begins to void herself of the lion sign, reminding us that egotistical pride is something to shake off but the power of our instinct is something to be proud of. This phase brings our gut reactions to light and informs us of a dawning realization about the cycles of our lives. At 2:00 pm, the Moon moves into efficient Virgo and serves up opportunities to be totally aware of how instinct and rational thought can operate effectively in an integrated manner. Evolved Virgo can show us how our wild nature can counter-balance our ultra-fussy analytical mind.

October 5 Tuesday
This balsamic Virgo Moon is good for making future plans, but not for starting them. Virgo can look at the whole picture and sort out all the details down to the finest points. As the Moon returns to the place in Virgo where she began this cycle, we may see more clearly the little ways in which we’ve tamed ourselves and have been tamed, as well as the pinpoints in our being and activity where our vivid wildness shines forth. As the Moon cycle draws to an end, this Virgo part of us may feel all wound up with nowhere to go. There’s a craving for movement, making it difficult to be in the here and now.

October 6 Wednesday
With this Virgo Moon comes strange, deep hidden feelings which may remind some of us of celebratory times when a sense of unity prevailed, when all parts of us shined vibrantly. Others of us may feel unusually disjointed, as if something special was missing. At 10:43 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course, sweeping off Virgo’s distinctive details for three hours. Some discreet parts of us may seem detached and less than ideal. At 1:52 pm, the Moon moves into compensating Libra, bringing a sense of how different things may become with tomorrow’s new Moon. Unseen forces seem palpable.

October 7 Thursday
At 12:45 pm, MT, we have a new Moon in the sign of Libra, introducing the natural order of things. We are in relationship with so many people and things in the course of a month. How do we make those connections? How many times do we get blindsided by someone or something? Over the next three days, notice the patterns, principles, or laws that you use to make your day operate as smoothly as possible. If unexpected events occur, note if they were welcomed or bothersome. How do they influence you? New Moons bring impulses that seem to have been previously non-existent. They are the seeds of new knowledge about oneself.

October 8 Friday
The hidden Libra Moon brings us information from other realities as Venus, Libra’s planet, went retrograde early this morning, suggesting we reconsider the value of what we share with others. This morning ultra-sensitivity can be experienced that illuminates certain points in our daily habits that are either very effective or very chaotic. At 7:36 am, MT, the Moon begins to blow off the delicate senses of Libra until 1:52 pm, when she moves into the penetrating insight of Scorpio. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

October 9 Saturday
With this Scorpio Moon at the end of the new Moon phase, we may be able to do an impersonal analysis of how we get from point A to B in our daily routines, how we achieve purposeful deeds with a series of internal and or external teamwork. We may also be able to pierce behaviors and emotional states that prevent smooth operations. These are often things that we neglect or have never before made the interdependent connections they have to the cycle of our activities. Sunday, desires for links to flow, one to another with ease, urge us to take unusual measures to align with a new way of interconnecting factors of our lives.


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