Sunday, July 25, 2010

Full and Disseminating Moon

July 26 Monday
With this full Aquarius Moon there is restlessness that leads to distractions or detours. The need for new conditions becomes obvious yet inertia prevents innovation. Total focus and discipline is required to make any progress. Being responsible according to ideal expectations is a requirement for liberation from antiquated familial and cultural patterns. The key is to establish your own expectations based on your life experience and notion of a better existence. This is not about outshining others. It is rather about putting effort into coming to terms with freeing yourself of hang ups.

July 27 Tuesday
The Aquarius Moon is a good brain-stormer. Today we may come up with useful solutions to problems. Chance meetings, synchronicities, trigger ideas ripe for enacting. A dilemma may result to keep things as they are or to make innovations. If the latter is chosen another decision is needed: to either rely on oneself to do what is suggested or to seek out some expert advice on how to proceed. If this all seems too confusing or vague, inner guidance may come this evening, especially if requested, while the Moon voids herself of knowledgeable Aquarius from 9:46 pm, MT, until 2:00 am when she moves into inspirational Pisces.

July 28 Wednesday
This Pisces Moon brings much information about the ways in which the mass consciousness is influenced. Everything and perhaps everyone seems like a movie screen on which thoughts and ideas are projected. Tuning in on a certain wavelength might be useful. Life is a series of exchanges often triggered by one’s desires. The interlocking maneuvers can move one along through a progression of new experiences. Recognizing this can pump up one’s confidence to engage unfamiliar behavior. Pisces offers a multitude of selves that can perform in supportive unison or in a mishmash of confusion.

July 29 Thursday
Gentleness prevails with this Pisces Moon. And as the Moon finishes up her full phase today we may see how deeply we have complied with the influences of the mass consciousness, taking some things for granted or as what is the most advantageous way to be. Some of this is an unquestioning concern and acceptance of other people’s values and judgments about certain behaviors. Some of these values offer a false security, and one of the indicators of this is a feeling of emptiness. The Pisces Moon is open to others and sometimes needs to shield herself from external stimuli.

July 30 Friday
The Moon has been voiding herself of porous Pisces since last night and also during this time entered her disseminating phase. Both the void of course Moon and the disseminating phase support releasing energy. This could be demonstrating a resolve to establish some new behavior that reflects one’s personal perspective on shared experiences. At 2:42 pm, MT, the Moon moves into unhesitating, impulsive Aries where the belief that new is always better often prevails. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

July 31 Saturday
With this Aries Moon one can breathe new life into a project. Aries can be insatiable for innovation, and constantly evaluates advances made. Build the momentum for change this weekend but not without first summing up what has been learned since this month’s solar eclipse on the 11th. On Sunday we have the opportunity to envision the wisdom of thinking things through from one’s personal perspective. And perhaps see the absurdity of some commonly accepted ways of thinking and behaving. Aries likes to experiment and can open up untried possibilities.


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