Sunday, October 24, 2010

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

October 25 Monday
The still full Moon moves into the intellectually observant sign of Gemini at 5:47 am, MT. Group dynamics is her focus today in pursuit of understanding how cultural patterns have influenced certain cyclical habits. How have parents and other authority figures evoked some trends in our behaviors? Sometimes those in power use forceful means to instill certain rituals. Sometimes there is compliance that seems to happen magically, as if one is entranced by some kind of magnetic force to go along with the group program. By making a concentrated effort to understand our repetitive behavior, we can extract the truth about our freedom to act creatively.

October 26 Tuesday
The Gemini Moon reflects the ability of our minds to go in all directions at once. Today the wisdom of the past wafts through the streams of our internal chatter. As the full Moon phase ends this afternoon, we may realize how we tether ourselves mentally to certain behavioral patterns in ways that keep us going in circles instead of spirals. The Moon enters her disseminating phase at 3:59 pm, MT. At this point we need to demonstrate our understanding of this lunation’s lesson about circular paths. Look at the present story of your life. Do you need to change the plot to arrive at a deeper, richer place?

October 27 Wednesday
This Gemini Moon feels like living on the edge, being casual and carefree, but disruptions that are affecting us all make it challenging to avoid certain social pressures. The Moon goes void of course at 8:19 am, MT, throwing aside the crazes of Gemini for five hours. Spacing out may be a common activity during this time. At 1:14 pm, the Moon moves into defensive Cancer, confronting heavy-duty change. We may need to take care of basic needs as a metaphoric tsunami threatens us. Cancer can adopt whatever protection is available wholesale rather than building her own security. Courage is needed to show one’s strength.

October 28 Thursday
With this Cancer Moon we may feel singled out by having to deal with getting out from under some obstacle. This is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate one’s knowledge and ingenuity at being a capable individual. Cancer sometimes seeks approval for her efforts. Look to peers or siblings for that. If there are no humans available to help, gather whatever resources together that will help you on your personal journey. Rely on memories of past difficulties and how they were overcome. At 7:10 pm, MT, the Sun and Venus begin a new cycle of approximately 584 days to find what is most precious within oneself.

October 29 Friday
With this Cancer Moon we can heed a calling to renew our outlook on our individual potential. New elements need to be brought in to do this. Some of these may represent some drastic changes in one’s approach to the interdependent cycles in life. At 1:48pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course, draining herself of her comfort zone for almost five hours. During this time subtle nuances may inspire us. At 6:39 pm, the Moon moves into cheerful, magnanimous Leo. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

October 30 Saturday
The Leo Moon entered her last quarter phase this morning at 6:46, MT. A reorientation is required to incorporate the changes in behavior suggested during this cycle. A mythic perspective may give meaning and value to what one has realized. This can help one withstand emotional pressures. A sense of promise comes on Sunday as the Moon goes void of course at 3:01 pm for over six hours of snuffing out the willfulness of Leo. During this time certain fantasies may become perplexing as strangeness prevails. At 9:51pm, the Moon moves into informative Virgo, helping us get ready for the work week.


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