Sunday, October 09, 2011

Full and Disseminating Moon

October 10 Monday
At 6:57 am, MT, the Moon moves into tempestuous Aries. There’s impatience and readiness to strike out and seize the right moment to go for what counts. There’s a fired up spirit to go deeper and deeper into hidden layers of experience with an intense concentration of energy to explore one’s identity and get to the emotional essence of what is being felt. To discover this, it may be necessary to negotiate and analyze each action taken. Frustration may arise along with ultra-sensitivity to any intrusion. Aries can be impulsive and not easily deterred. Every chance available to act is an unbearable temptation.

October 11 Tuesday
With this Aries Moon we are motivated to look beyond usual occurrences and search out deeper resonances associated with them. The full Moon this evening at 8:06 MT, is lifting emotional desires to transcend ordinary reality by grabbing as much precious self knowledge that is available. The full phase will show us how ideal or not our self conception is. Careful observation of one’s behavior is required. There is danger of becoming overly engrossed with outward appearances and getting entrapped in a lower plane of reality. There are important multi-level choices to make during the days ahead.

October 12 Wednesday
With this Aries Moon, some of us will pull out all the stops and go where angels do not go. This may reflect heroic efforts for others or for discovering the truth. Certain actions may not make sense unless viewed from a different reality. Aries represents the archetype of the pioneer, and today we are urged to not only try something new but also to live on the archetypal level. Close your eyes and invite the pioneer to take over and follow the impulses. At 6:08 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course for an hour and a half of drenching out sparky Aries. At 7:35pm the Moon moves into down-to-earth Taurus.

October 13 Thursday
This Taurus Moon fosters an enjoyment of the knowledge one’s life experience brings. We may be torn, however, between building connections and getting caught up in foolish attractions. Confidence increases throughout the morning, encouraging improvements. This afternoon the Sun and Saturn meet, setting the goals for the year ahead. It looks like it will be one of lifestyle shifts and/or a balancing act between personal and social space. Notice the frequencies of energy in social interactions and standards of living today for clues about the months ahead.

October 14 Friday
At this point in the full phase the Taurus Moon stirs our interest and trust in the value of human interaction, especially when it involves nurturing our minds. We can expand our social life by getting past emotional obstacles and being a source of comfort for others. Too much complacence or a need for freedom may trigger brooding. The Moon slips out of Taurus during the early morning hours tomorrow, leaving us in a rather passive mood. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

October 15 Saturday
The Moon moved into intelligently observant Gemini this morning, offering some of us a bunch of hidden surprises. At 11:16 pm, MT, the Moon enters her disseminating phase, a period of recognitions of the dynamics of learning. Inspirations can announce new beginnings. On Sunday with an awareness of the power of suggestion, we may be eager to share information. Mental unpredictability and manipulation may change attitudes and stir up participation in a social milieu. The needs of former comrades in learning situations come up and lead to more mature interactions.


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