Sunday, July 31, 2011

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

August 1 Monday
The Moon is in Virgo giving juice to whatever level of confidence is showing up when it comes to speaking one’s mind. Duty may get in the way of grandiose gestures, making it difficult to seize the right moment in uncomfortable situations. Listening to the internal conversations can arouse passions and boost enthusiasm to speak from a pulpit. At 5:38 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course, sweeping off choosy Virgo until Wednesday morning. During this time we may feel defensive about our views. Personal utterances come out in incomplete thoughts. Conversations wander with seemingly no point.

August 2 Tuesday
The Moon is void of course all day in Virgo. Some of us may feel overwhelmed by external stimuli. Many people seem unfocused, and may just well be that. It’s a day like walking on the beach in a dense fog, only knowing where you are by the sounds around you. We can take this opportunity to perceive things differently than when we are actively participating in circulating pointed information. Insights or inspirations today can lead to a different level of experience. Tonight at 8:35, MT, the Moon enters her crescent phase, when it is important to strive for an awareness of our automatic functions with an eye for changing at least one of them.

August 3 Wednesday
This crescent Libra Moon finds us blending into fated relationships, waiting for some fresh knowledge to excite the partnership into full action. Some compromises may be needed, including a whole new set of rules to follow. There’s the opportunity to do something that benefits humanity, even when the whole course of action is not visible. The vast array of social complexities and cultural assumptions require going after some information. The seriousness of this matter can be relieved by an air of levity. When things go to the extreme, harmonizing Libra will seek out the opposite.

August 4 Thursday
Libra indecisiveness appears with this Moon. Opinions and ideas vie amidst feeling tongue-tied and trapped. There is a poetic sensitivity in the air that can inspire one to offer emotional or spiritual support to others today. Libra is observant of others’ needs and knows that if they are neglected, everyone is affected. Others’ plights spoil an ideal world. Sometimes, a less than positive Libran approach imposes rigid rules that simply suppress everything distasteful. It can be helpful to understand one’s ultimate motives when acting socially. What seems charitable may be a disguise for unconnectedness.

August 5 Friday
The Moon moved into Scorpio early this morning. Breakthroughs and insights show up about the forms taken for passionate expression of beliefs. An overview of emotional investment in what enthuses and gives meaning to personal reality is preparatory to a decision required tomorrow to do the necessary work of staying connected with ideals. Finding the common threads may take looking at situations with fresh eyes. To do this with Scorpio requires a suspension of expectations. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

August 6 Saturday
The Scorpio Moon moved into her first quarter phase this morning. This is a time to change one’s orientation to show what one enjoys. How can you extend the expression of what moves you deeply? How can you use your personal power to make your beliefs flourish and not vanish into disillusionment? The Moon goes void of course Sunday morning at 9:15, MT, for six minutes of washing off detached Scorpio. Hide out until 9:21 am when the Moon moves into high-spirited Sagittarius! Setting priorities may be required to create a sense of communal bonds. Openings to experimenting with new connections may suddenly appear.


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