Sunday, October 16, 2011

Last Quarter and Balsamic Moon

October 17 Monday
With this Gemini Moon we can skillfully synthesize our capacity to learn and transmit information. There is no limit to the ways in which we can address the significance of our brains, senses, and external stimuli along with those mysterious functions, like intuition, that bring cognition. Mental activity is rampant and overwhelming today. At 4:18 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course, blowing away the minutia that Gemini sometimes gathers. Spacing out is acceptable if you are alone during this period, which lasts until 7:38 pm. At that time the Moon moves into the soft armchair comfort of Cancer.

October 18 Tuesday
This Cancer Moon encourages an exploration of emotional options with which to respond to the inner needs of one’s consciousness. Magical feelings can be stirred up by playing with images. If a picture brings on a depressive mood swing, a shift can easily occur by washing it out of mind and conjuring up a new one. By developing the capacity of one’s imagination to call forth inner visual frames, we can perfect our ability to play with many possibilities, even complex ones. Cancer has a knack at bringing together objects and subjects that complete one another or bring their constellation to fulfillment.

October 19 Wednesday
This morning with this Cancer Moon a moment will arise in which each of us can open our hearts and express our true feelings. Status quo issues and social standards may seem to stand in the way, however. Seize the moment, nevertheless! Growth happens when we rise to the occasion and dare to follow our impulses no matter the obstacles. At 9:30 pm, MT, the Moon enters her last quarter phase. During this period it is important to take responsibility for one’s behavior, especially those related to testing one’s knowledge during intense times when clarity is needed.

October 20 Thursday
The Moon moved into rallying Leo early this morning, promoting the expression of built up emotions even if it jars surrounding circumstances. Rashness, recklessness, and above all enormous independence needs show up. Conflicts arise in the afternoon between security and freedom. They can be directly averted by expanding one’s boundaries, moving out beyond comfort zones to understand where to find true wisdom. Assembling information and playing with the facts involved, as if they were pieces in a chess game, can bring essential patterns into focus.

October 21 Friday
This Leo Moon calls for somewhat more serious responses to morning tasks instead of the usual carefree attitude that Leo provides. Instincts call for fitness training to offer chums and audiences spiritual and social support. Leo is deeply generous and enjoys togetherness with a broad spectrum of people. This evening brings inner longings to undergo changes that help the flow of knowledge spread to others. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

October 22 Saturday
The Moon moved out of self-assured Leo and into self-critical Virgo this morning. Potential experiences get stimulated today along with deep insight into needed transitions. On Sunday at 9:23 am, MT, the Moon enters her balsamic phase, suggesting we transcend present conditions and tune into vibes about the future. At 12:30 pm, the Sun moves into probing Scorpio, and at 2:47 pm, the Moon goes void of course, sweeping off the certainties and convictions of Virgo until Monday morning. During this time we can learn things by osmosis and can be overwhelmed by too much external stimuli.


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