Sunday, February 26, 2012

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

February 27 Monday
This crescent Taurus Moon brings natural tools and raw instinct to continue to push on in responding to subconscious impulses which either want to be let loose or at least recognized as indicators of our transcendent spirit. Persistent effort is needed to bring light to our earthly habits. Sometimes Taurus can be easily defeated or just content with simple pleasures. When we’re uncertain about something in the Taurus part of our lives, we can cling stubbornly to the status quo and not make any effort to experiment in unfamiliar circumstances. Taurus needs to think about the value of pursuing the unknown.

February 28 Tuesday
The Taurus Moon can trigger past emotional patterns which can bring to mind their benefits and disadvantages. Our feelings and thoughts today can lead to important decisions about pursuing dreams and beliefs that take us beyond our past views of how to maneuver through this world. At 12:46 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course for almost eight hours of peeling off the crusty armor of Taurus. During this time our imaginations can attract all sorts of images of what brings us security. Use these to envision support in ways not yet experienced. At 8:27 pm, the Moon moves into inquisitive Gemini.

February 29 Wednesday
We have a Gemini Moon on this leap year extra day, offering us many choices to make a decision about a new arena, with a scientific detachment towards each of them. A sense of what lies beyond accompanies every flow of feeling this morning. Taking time to deal with some weighty issues can help shape a path to take which develops a stronger flow of life force. At 6:21 pm, MT, the Moon enters her first quarter phase. What new direction will you travel to loosen up some frozen behavior? Intuition will play a big role in keeping you on this trail. This Moon phase requires action based on emotions.

March 1 Thursday
This Gemini Moon brings out the investigative reporter in each of us. If we so choose, we can boldly examine new scenes in our daily experience. Yes, there will be tests, worries, and regrets, especially if one believes there is only one right way to do things. Trusting intuition today may be difficult. As new data is collected, however, a sense of empowerment can build. Careful thinking is called for. So, making lists helps, as long as they don’t become depressing. The Gemini part of us can have a hard time being content with sufficient information. With this sign there is an ever present urge for more.

March 2 Friday
The Gemini Moon goes void of course at 6:14 am, MT, for almost two hours of airing out data-gathering Gemini. During this time, free association comes easily along with absentmindedness. At 8:08 am, the Moon moves into sometimes unresponsive Cancer. There is a need for a magic key that makes everything feel right. Acting on feelings alone can be troublesome, yet instincts are strong with Cancer. There may be uncertainty, but we can’t go wrong following the excitement and the thrill of the new! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

March 3 Saturday
The Cancer Moon offers stamina to keep going no matter what kind of obstacle course one is on. Today, however, it helps to weigh options and strike out for a balance to lighten the struggle. On Sunday the Moon goes void of course at 3:17 pm, MT, for an hour of hypersensitivity. During that hour the Moon enters her gibbous phase, a time for bringing together everything we need to work out the tensions and open the floodgates for a greater flow of chi in the real world. At 4:17 pm, the Moon moves into the infectiously fun world of Leo, where excitement seems to quicken.


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