Sunday, February 05, 2012

Full and Disseminating Moon

February 6 Monday
The Moon is draining off the sustaining energy of Cancer until 5:31 am, MT, when she moves into “let’s go public” Leo. On this last day of her gibbous phase, wearing the sign of Leo goes hand in hand with her daytime visibility. We too can easily stand out and project a radiant, electrical atmosphere that can foster a unique situation we’d prefer over a rote routine. Getting the optimum inducement to attract attention, however, requires trying something totally unfamiliar. Nevertheless, being open to adaptability and using intuition, can lead to quantum leaps. There’s a lot of mental buzzing going on, as well, for new connections!

February 7 Tuesday
With this Leo Moon, we can make big ripples if we can commit to having fun with all of our relationships today and still be true to ourselves. At 2:54 pm, MT, we have a full Moon, beginning a phase of illuminating how well we can enact a Huck Finn-like liberation. Do we launch into life as an exciting adventure that spreads enthusiasm to explore new things, or do we run our daily lives like we’re on a tight ship with set-in-stone rules? Do we dramatically defend our choices? How concerned are we about our creativity? Issues of independence may come up as we think about self-revelations.

February 8 Wednesday
This morning’s full Leo Moon is like a portal, beckoning us to look for our ideals. The Moon goes void of course at 9:42 am, MT, for almost an hour of snuffing out the enthusiasm of Leo while strangeness seems to penetrate our emotional body. At 10:32 am, the Moon moves into goal oriented Virgo, and our thinking may closely examine the steps that lead to a completely new way of dealing with the groups or things we have abandoned yet still find remnants of them in our daily life. We can learn something about how love shapes itself in our lives and forms bonds that transcend differences.

February 9 Thursday
The Virgo Moon is good at keeping things intact, even people. Revelations that come to us during this full phase can bring up self-doubts. By focusing on the realizations which reinforce inner awareness which can provide support for our aspirations, we can set aside worries and plan for a better future. The part of us that corresponds to Virgo is rationally self-aware. Critical self-evaluations can bring much insight into our behavior and indicate what is needed emotionally and physically. Vulnerabilities to judgmental standards may need some strong mental walls for protection.

February 10 Friday
The Moon is voiding herself of reassuring Virgo since last night. The morning may find many succumbing to absentmindedness and spacing out. At 12:54 pm, MT, the Moon moves into accommodating Libra, and we can get our minds around some everyday activities with some critical attention. Illusion-breaking inner channels can bring behavior together in an easy-going, acceptable manner. Tossing off some deeply rooted and strongly influential feelings, however, may not be wise. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

February 11Saturday
The Libra Moon entered her disseminating phase early this morning. During this time recognition of what a behavior is really about demands a response. In this cycle those maneuvers that are meant to abandon a scene become understood in terms of our social and emotional responsibilities to our personal creative urges. On Sunday some of our underlying motives for seeking new situations in our lives become evident. At 2:09 pm, MT, Sunday, the Moon goes void of course for almost an hour of blowing off the critical assessments of Libra. Sentimental attachments can stall any movement towards change. At 3:01 pm, the Moon moves into dismantling Scorpio.


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