Sunday, November 18, 2012

First Quarter and Gibbous Moon

November 19 Monday The Aquarius Moon finds comfort having some structure, but its boundaries need to be penetrable. On occasion this sign likes the option and freedom of being able to disregard restrictions. In order to discover the worth of having social ways to comfort oneself, we need the liberty to flair out or break out in some radically innovative way. The Aquarian part of us likes to express itself differently from what is commonly expected. Competing impulses to do something innovative vie to be communicated. They can be resolved by breaking out of confined spaces to create a temporary utopia. November 20 Tuesday The unpredictable Aquarius Moon enters her first quarter phase at 7:31 am, MT. A major change in some part of our life is called for, but it must be activated by a maneuver that brings something to an end while beginning anew. This could be leaving one circle of friends for another group. While entering this phase, the Moon also goes void of course, blowing off the quirky tastes of Aquarius for a couple of hours while we become restless and evasive to find the right bunch of people. At 9:55 am, the Moon moves into the inclusiveness of Pisces, and psychic discrimination becomes our aid in decision making. November 21 Wednesday With this Pisces Moon the problems of our taken-for-granted institutions like health and education come to mind for a comprehensive look at how they provide for our emotional well being. Our perspectives on such things broaden as the Sun moves into Sagittarius and Venus dives into Scorpio. Both placements enhance idealism and intuition. Exploring concepts about emotional balance and its relationship to our conscience may help to see things from different levels. At 11:32 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course, rinsing off the gentle tolerance of Pisces until tomorrow evening! November 22 Thursday The Pisces Moon is void of course most of the day! On this holiday we may feel ultra-sensitive and yearn to escape reality. We can create a beautiful, fantasized dinner yet be easily threatened by comments of guests and family. Getting defensive will only confuse matters. It’s best to keep away from internet shopping, at least until tonight, as limits are difficult to adhere to during a voiding Moon. The good news is that there’s a love vibe today, and we can be devoted to pleasing those we gather with to celebrate gratitude. The Moon moves into focused Aries at 6:12 pm, MT. Happy Thanksgiving! November 23 Friday The day starts with an Aries Moon and an adrenaline high! It’s a struggle to stay focused on one thing. Hidden influences are a distraction. And power battles erupt. Miracles, however, can be worked, and things can transition into an outstanding rapport. At 6:34 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course, stomping out peppy Aries until Sunday morning! During this time we can become susceptible to all sorts of enticement. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. November 24 Saturday The Aries Moon is void of course all day, and energy can easily fizzle out. The Moon also entered her gibbous phase at 4:36 am, MT. During this stage up to Wednesday’s lunar eclipse, staying focused on priorities can produce desired results. It can be difficult to organize options and strategize during a voiding Moon, but there’s some planetary help this evening to concentrate. On Sunday at 5:18 am, MT, the Moon moves into practical and protective Taurus. Social gatherings could be intense unless we tap into the groundedness of Taurus. Earthiness can provide the link to ideal encounters.


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