Sunday, June 02, 2013

Balsamic and New Moon

June 3 Monday This Aries Moon is all about grasping sparks of those vibrant moments that are full of insights into the essence of life. There is rich potential in these beacons. Big things can happen. Information about the process of bringing dreams into concrete form is also available. Things can be fixed to meet ideal standards. Conversations can tight-lipped and secretive or crazy, bizarre as if all rationality has disappeared. Late in the day decisions can lead to breaking out of expectations and perhaps overcoming victimhood. Aries can take us into new territory if we are so willing. The only path to follow is an intuitively chosen one. June 4 Tuesday The Aries Moon is void of course, snuffing off this sign’s independent ways this morning. It may be difficult fending for one’s self. The Moon enters her balsamic phase at 8:09 am, MT. Things tend to merge into two directions, one for emptying useless clutter and the other for nurturing the individual seed of the next emergence from our subconscious mind. At 9:53 am, the Moon moves into capable Taurus. By exploring the worth and wisdom of behaviors evoked in us by unexpected events, we can discern what needs releasing and what needs reinforcement. The Taurus sense of worth can help us distinguish the trusty from the illusory. June 5 Wednesday With this morning’s Taurus Moon comes a common sense approach to maintaining the self awareness gained in the last three weeks. AT 7:25 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow night. While she is brushing off what’s left of artistically talented Taurus, pleasure in creative pursuits can be had. Beauty is central to this Taurus. Throughout the rest of the day, it can be highly satisfying and inspirational to stop several times and search with all five physical senses for a piece of beauty to collect in one’s mind. At the end of the day what does your collection of delights say about you? June 6 Thursday The Taurus Moon is void of course until tonight. This is not the most productive time in terms of tasks to get done. However, appreciation of finer things, like the grace shown in a relationship, pleasant surroundings, and ease and comfort can be fine tuned. Being in an observation mode is best today. The Taurus in us might want to possess what is encountered, but whether that is best is unclear during a voiding Moon. It’s a good day to exercise one’s ability to know what to do using the paranormal abilities of the mind and body to make decisions rather than rational thought. At 9:32 pm, MT, the Moon moves into curious Gemini. June 7 Friday The Gemini Moon loves a meeting of the minds, and today it could happen with the subconscious mind chatting with the conscious mind. Strange yearnings lead us deep into our souls to shift through impulses. Gemini is usually very social, but on this day before a new Moon, solitude conducive to profound thought is desirable. It can be difficult, however, to refuse the possibility of a stimulating conversation. Ideas break through the layers of our minds today. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. June 8 Weekend At 9:56 am, MT, we have a new Moon in Gemini, mesmerizing our minds with some story, perhaps even one from our past. Gemini is a learner, and reading is a valuable tool for this zodiac sign. During this new phase, notice how you use books. What do the ones you like to read tell you about yourself? How do they nurture you? Do the images evoke by books inspire originality for you? Early Sunday morning the Moon voids herself of the mental meandering of Gemini, and at 10:16 am, moves into the natural support of Cancer. This sign spews out images for inspiration. Where do you find images that move you in brighter, new directions?


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