Sunday, August 18, 2013

Full and Disseminating Moon

Monday August 19 This Aquarius Moonday begins with feelings of needing to struggle to get noticed for some remarkable trait. It’s important to carry this part of one’s identity deep within oneself. With some effort it can then find an opening and emerge. A multi-leveled approach is required to get and give mutual recognition. Present conditions can be better if quick adjustments are made when something doesn’t go off as planned. There could be a bit of fear of being humiliated or fooled, especially when one desires to bring beauty to the world. Aquarius can be self-absorbed but truly wants everyone to be able to shine. Tuesday August 20 With this Aquarius Moon sudden thoughts and perceptions lead to greater understanding amidst intense feelings. Internal dialogues are played out dramatically. At 7:45 pm, MT, we have a full Moon beginning to reveal how we participate in a fuller, more creative existence, how we experiment with transforming ourselves, how we live out certain archetypes in our lives, and/or how we use are most unusual and distinctive traits. At this beginning of the full phase, the Moon goes void course for three hours of a whirlwind removal of Aquarian peculiarity. Wednesday August 21 With this Pisces Moon comes an unearthly atmosphere in which it seems we’re making strange leaps in the dark. It’s ideal to retreat into dream-like escapes into our pondering minds where, in solitude, we can encounter a fuller picture of a specific part of us with greater objectivity. The Pisces Moon rejoices in feeling and experiencing wholeness which includes the beauty birthed by active imagination as well as the fears of unidentifiable, enslaving threats. A part of Pisces knows that being inclusive with compassion is a unifying path. So tuning into this part of us can bring self-acceptance of what is being personally revealed. Thursday August 22 This Pisces Moon invites us to explore the mysterious watery depths of our minds for bubbles of awareness popping up from our unconsciousness. Some of these can be elusive, but some, when given attention, will present images of our selves never before seen. And with the Sun entering Virgo at 5:02 pm, MT, outlines of a potential change in behavior arrive to accommodate the best traits this full Moon has revealed and eliminate the worst. There is an emotional realization of what has been and what can be accomplished. At 7:38 pm, the Moon begins to void herself of visionary Pisces until after midnight. Friday August 23 The Moon is in self-discovering Aries, and we may be focusing on how to bring some part of our selves into an ideal assertive state. Tracing past connections which singled out a unique trait can provide flashes of inspiration and potential. Our minds can get into an analytical mode with Mercury entering scrutinizing Virgo at 4:36 pm, MT. Sudden shifts, along with intuitive interpretations, can produce a desire to make improvements. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend August 24 and 25 At 6:25 am, MT, the Aries Moon entered her disseminating phase when a deeper understanding of recent revelations breaks into one’s awareness. It’s time to start demonstrating some current self-realizations so that changes in behavior get exteriorized. Internal motivation shifts with such aspirations. Early Sunday morning the Moon voids herself of feisty Aries and moves into the earthy yearnings of Taurus where’s it’s easier to see the traumas of the past and how to avoid them in the future. Hopefulness abounds as we move forward towards an ideal. Rational and visionary thoughts need to be balanced.


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