Sunday, July 28, 2013

Last Quarter and Balsamic Moon

Monday July 29 The Moon is in enhancing Taurus, offering a down-to-earth vision of what daily life could be like without wasteful habits. Lack of imagination and motivation to pursue precious possibilities seem to be the only obstacles. At 11:43 am, MT, the Moon enters her last quarter phase when a greater perspective of a pattern brings new meaning which can prompt one to take control and change such a condition. This renewal springs from a broad view of one’s lineage. Opportunities abound for advancement through expressing feelings and trusting. By actively checking things out, a clear path will be singled out. Tuesday July 30 With this Taurus Moon we can spotlight a bothersome issue and rework our relationship with it. Creative abilities struggle with cultural needs. At 9:57 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course for almost twenty-four hours. While she is dusting off the accumulations of Taurus, we might find it easy to get rid of some clutter in our own lives. It may, however, be hard to decide on just what and how to let go of some things. Sentimental attachments also interrupt the process of clearing out possessions. Fantasies and disappointments distract us--some of which offer illusory security. Wednesday July 31 This morning’s voiding Taurus Moon seems to touch us with a love for the earth, like a giant hug. At 9:42 am, MT, the Moon moves into observant Gemini. Many issues are circulating, and with Gemini we can get a handle on them and see through all the periphery information to the core. To be on the safe side we may not want to cause ripples of attention to what we really think, but expressing our feelings can lead to some solutions. Developing one’s grasp of tense situations will take a mature understanding of what can and cannot be done. Gemini can appear to be fickle, but sometimes it’s just data overload. Thursday August 1 With this Gemini Moon, a bothersome situation can become a potential boon. Things can go from ridiculous to sublime. Self-possession makes handling tense, erratic behavior easy and puts one on top. At 10:48 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow night. While her movement is letting clever Gemini fly off of her, we may have difficulty discerning what is genuine and what is artificial. Even though our minds may seem a bit fuzzy, our physical agility may appear remarkable, as well as our knack for caring about others. Idealistic thoughts can promote overall well-being. Friday August 2 With this void of course Gemini Moon we need to be extra vigilant about keeping agreements. There are many multi-level yearnings and choices along with fated connections. At 1:40 pm, MT, the Moon enters her balsamic phase, when we are urged to bring together everything we’ve learned about useless habits which have lingered from our youth and use that knowledge to create new scenarios for our future—somewhat like writing a storyboard for a film. Free association comes easily as the Moon continues to shake off Gemini until 10:29 pm. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend August 3 The Moon is in the flowingness of Cancer bringing a refreshing feeling of comfort and security most of the day. Late afternoon and into the night, things can get volatile and disruptive with troubling and audacious behavior, especially if you decide to watch an action-packed movie this evening. On Sunday, you might feel like deviating from the norm. There could be a change in the way you look at things, even a clean break from a past condition. This can trigger all sorts of adventures in our minds. Images feed our thoughts about the rest of the month; some of them bear messages worth deciphering.


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