Sunday, May 24, 2015

First Quarter and Gibbous Moon

Monday May 25 The discriminating Virgo Moon offers thoughts about the ways one wants to be accepted within the boundaries of a social setting. Independence is desired today when there’s a high potential for conflicts in relationships. At 11:19 am, MT, the Moon enters her first quarter phase when it’s time to take action on a decision about cultivating one’s self-worth no matter the cultural or occupational station held presently. It’s important to wake up to the social and political forces influencing one’s viewpoint. There’s internal pressure to act instinctively on psychic information about what’s going on in one’s environment. By paying attention to the surroundings and dropping any fears, one can opt for the best course of action for freely playing things out. Tuesday May 26 With this Virgo Moon we can easily seek power with all out efforts to gather facts and use magical thinking to come up with new applications. We can find comfort in teamwork today that tolerates and even promotes each member fully expressing emotional dramatics, even to the point of attracting attention. Virgo likes to get results from group interactions. This part of us needs feedback from others. By investigating and scrutinizing external information, the Virgo in us can clarify preferences and make reasonable conclusions. At 8:21 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow afternoon. While she is sweeping off the deliberations of Virgo, our faith in a rationale may strengthen. Yet we could be easily swayed to go along with another view. Wednesday May 27 With this void of course Virgo Moon it can be insightful to reconsider the personal value of one’s daily work. Thoughts and feelings may go in opposite directions. At 3: 42 pm, MT, the Moon leaves Virgo and moves into often indecisive Libra. This sign has difficulty committing and is frequently divided between yes and no. The Libra in us regularly checks for meaning and worth. Critical appraisal occurs to discern the right action to take. Today our Libra may be sizing up the larger forces for what kind of balance might be needed to fit in. What skills or techniques can be used to bring about ideal harmony? Libra doesn’t back out of problem areas and is willing to compromise, guided by an inner design which seems to continuously reveal new aspects. Thursday May 28 The early morning Libra Moon offers a restful pause to consider the social and emotional responsibilities of the day ahead. New connections bring up cultural issues, and some moral or ethical problems need to be re-evaluated. Some social limits may get pushed and getting around certain unspoken customs may require lightening up. Encouraging social participation requires intense exertion. Pictures and ideas about how to interact emerge throughout the day. We can apply and learn from them, but that may call for being vulnerable and also curtailing any unrealistic expectations of relationships. Sometimes things can get messy for Libra when everything is treated as if it has equal value. A sense of proportion is needed today. Friday May 29 With this Libra Moon friends are the best source of security needs, as long as there’s some room for freedom. At 2:04 pm, MT, the Moon enters her gibbous phase when it’s important to stay focused on priorities. In this cycle a versatile stance is needed that allows for readjustments in one’s social contributions. The Moon goes void of course at 2:20 pm until tomorrow morning. While she is letting go of Libra’s balancing acts, we might be susceptible to less than appropriate behavior. Some things can go to extremes, like being overly critical or having unrealistic expectations of others. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend May 30 and 31 We have a Scorpio moon for the weekend, piercing into the substance of our social self concept, exposing the truth about the level of dignity and worth we feel when engaging in social contributions and exchanges. We can get a sense of whether or not we sublimate our communal activity and to what extent we keep away from problem areas. On Sunday sudden changes in direction can take one into a lofty spiritual space. There may be, however, some tests about how much effort and power we’re willing to exert for social achievements. We may need to juggle responsibilities to ourselves and to those with whom we participate in meeting the goals of a cause. Airing out concerns in such a group may be imperative for advancement to happen.


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