Sunday, March 20, 2005

Week of Full Moon

Mar 21 Monday
We start the week with a Leo Moon reminding us of Parsifal’s quest for the grail. We may be near our quest to renew the sensitivity needed to access our creativity anew, but are we probing within for the right question. The Moon enters her gibbous phase at 3:13 pm, MST, pulling things together towards an intuitive sense of what is required to obtain some ideal. Seek to relieve tension that arises from uncertainty by pursuing whatever inspiration or intuition presents. There may be many trails to follow but when they are linked, a new understanding can arise.

Mar 22 Tuesday
The Leo Moon goes void of course at 7:20 am, MST, for almost eleven hours! We may be in a state of wide-openness during this time. This gives us a centripetal force that mysteriously pulls in more than we expect or understand. The best we can do is weave together what we can find a place for, even the subtleties, and let the rest slide. Some of the things we try to express might appear confusing. Try again after 6:10 pm, when the Moon enters Virgo. Permutations of our thoughts might lead to clearer expression within a different context.

Mar 23 Wednesday
Wednesday’s Virgo Moon may be full of thoughts about how one proceeds towards the fullness of an ideal after interpreting and evaluating what has been experienced so far. There’s a determination to surpass one’s self, and the efforts to do this may be startling and unusual. Be watchful of compelling extremes! Adjusting our relationships to others, that may well be fated, can determine the future and introduce different factors to be included in our quest. To notice what may be a fresh perspective, it is important not to dismiss the familiar.

Mar 24 Thursday
The spirit of discovery is afoot today with the Virgo Moon almost fully reflecting the energy of this month’s new Moon. This can bring an appreciation of all the little things we do for others in social situations. We can discern how everything is planted with some precious touch (human or not) and how a twist of personal magic can make the tiniest expression absolutely perfect. We will know we’ve arrived by a feeling of having brought things together in our inner and outer lives. The Moon goes void of course at 5:36 pm, MST, beginning a good time to sum up what we’ve gleaned from the waxing Moon.

Mar 25 Friday
The Moon is in Libra helping us resonate with the choices we’ve encountered recently and re-balancing our energy flow to support the decisions made. The Moon is at her fullest at 1:58 pm, MST, somehow telling us that we can undo past mistakes and make practical promises to ourselves about how to pursue ideals. It suggests we take up any slack and put ourselves on a mutational edge when it comes to our ideals. Thats where things happen! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow at 11:30 to noon for the weekend Moon Minute. You can also hear us on the worldwide web at

Mar 26 SaturdayThe full Libra Moon on Saturday reflects uncertainty about the day’s choices yet clearly shows their potential. Notice what appeals to you vs. what appeals to others. Everything can fit into place when we’re attuned to our personal preferences yet allow others theirs. Sunday morning the Moon is void of course until 11:29 am when it moves into Scorpio. Enjoy the subtle pleasantries of the early hours, as the Scorpio Moon seeks brighter possibilities that can kick us into some unusual and wild activity if we’re willing to explore many dimensions simultaneously.


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