Sunday, August 21, 2005

Disseminating & Last Quarter Moon

August 22 Monday
Monday morning’s Aries Moon at the end of her full phase presents us with mental breakthroughs of seeing the patterns that have held things together and also how these patterns can be translated into new contexts. At 6:00 pm, MDT, the Moon enters her disseminating phase, enlivening our spirit to seek the emotional joy that comes from freeing ourselves from the bondage of oppressive habitual behavior. It’s time for actions that demonstrate a radiant assurance in a new course one has boldly chosen. This direction comes from self-realizations generated by one’s life experiences. Prepare for a void of course Moon tomorrow.

August 23 Tuesday
At 5:46 am, MDT, the Aries Moon goes void of course until 7:58 pm this evening! This can be utterly frustrating for Aries. That energy wants action, doing, and loves direct thought processes. The void Moon period is break time, like waiting for a lock in a canal to release its water before moving forward. The exuberant emotional waters of Aries are being dispersed. The mind wants to rush ahead, yet it is going in all directions and bubbles of seed ideas are emerging everywhere. Use this day like an athlete uses the time right before a performance. Be calm, steady your mind, and merge with the vision of future action.

August 24 Wednesday
Wednesday’s Taurus Moon, combined with the visionary insights of yesterday’s void Moon, can help us materialize dreams from deeper levels within our subconscious mind. At this stage in the lunar cycle we can have a clearer picture of what’s going on and cut to the heart of a situation. We can enlist all of our talents and resources to forge ahead. Today we can trust our instincts more than our rational mind to let things unfold and to gather whatever is needed. After midnight, MDT, the Moon goes void of course until Friday morning. Notice where you’re frazzled or well-linked in your dreams and throughout tomorrow.

August 25 Thursday
We have a void of course Taurus Moon all of this Thursday. She is distributing valuable information much like the ocean does at her shore. There’s no telling what will show up. Have your internal lighthouse on alert for gullibility, intimidation, and pessimism. If you’re feeling inadequate, transcend any urge to boost your confidence by buying consumer goods. Find pleasure in what you already have. Taurus isn’t just about earthly objects; it’s also about natural beauty and nature’s tranquility, and the self-image and concept one carries within one’s self.

August 26 Friday
The Moon’s in Gemini and enters her last quarter phase at 9:18 am, MDT. This is a time to fully comprehend what has transpired over the past three weeks and demand that your consciousness take those realizations and apply them to formulating a new direction. The Gemini Moon can articulate some of the celebratory dimensions of this future and how it doesn’t fit with conventional standards. Take on new perspectives with a valiant effort today. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow at 11:30 to noon for the weekend Moon Minute. You can also hear us on the worldwide web at

August 27 Saturday
Saturday’s Gemini Moon can assist us in looking for alternative paths to take. We can easily shuffle things around, eliminate the dirty stuff, and stream-line activities to follow inner attractions. The Moon goes void of course at 8:49 pm, MDT until the early afternoon on Sunday. This vast, chaotically changing space of time offers a feeling of seeing everything and a sense of anticipation of new encounters. Sunday at 12:57 am, MDT, the Moon enters Cancer, struck by a sense of uncertainty and overwhelm about where or with whom to align one’s self.


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