Sunday, September 04, 2005

New & Crescent Moon

September 5 Monday
Monday’s Libra Moon in her new phase presents emerging situations that draw people together. Such circumstances offer lessons on how we connect the dots within ourselves as well as with others. Our responsibility to be true to ourselves may be the primary lesson. This may involve a need for immediate gratification or, at least, an awareness of how we respond when fascinated and curious. Some of us may get side-tracked by extremely unusual events while others only take interest in what is traditionally (in their frame of reference) acceptable and refined behavior. Libra can blend both paths.

September 6 Tuesday
The Libra Moon’s affable, well-mannered demeanor may share with us a condition of being easily seduced by people, events, and objects this Tuesday morning. Watch for intrusive behavior from others, or for how you let stuff snatch you away from your own agenda. Of course it’s possible that you may be begging for and anticipating a diversion. An evocative situation may be just what’s needed to get you into the emerging opportunities of this cycle. Multi-dimensional worlds can open up to us today. Our minds can revel in rich complexities. Be aware and loyal to inner guidance about which avenues to follow.

September 7 Wednesday
The Libra Moon is void of course all morning! This often illusory time may help a person succeed in deceptive behavior. Libra’s politeness can lead to self-negation. At 12:10 pm, MDT, the often unrealistic, indecisive void stage ends as the Moon moves into incisive Scorpio. And twenty-six minutes later enters her crescent phase. It’s time to bring all our conscious energy into discovering how to recognize and respond to our instincts when they tell us it’s time to act: when they say, “This is the right moment.” Emotional pressures can trap us when we’re out of alignment with our instincts.

September 8 Thursday
Today’s Scorpio Moon uncovers the emotional turmoil inherent in the pressures of complex situations. As we struggle to explore new views and ward off doubts and fears, we may be replenished by a vision of the magnitude of what is possible. Inward streams of consciousness can lead to stark self-realizations. There are no pretenses in this internal dialogue. We can penetrate to the core of our being, and observe our souls express themselves specifically through the cells of our bodies. Scorpio can change us in mysterious ways. Prepare for a void of course Moon most of Friday.

September 9 Friday
The Scorpio Moon is void of course most of today. She is releasing the unseen, unspoken yet often felt power of this zodiac sign without selective intent. It may leave some of us feeling overwhelmed and exploited. Attempts at advancement may seem disjointed. Cloak yourself with invisible protection, and go about your business undermining any unwanted intrusions. At 8:03 pm, MDT, the moon enters the spiritually principled sign of Sagittarius. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow at 11:30 to noon for the weekend Moon Minute. You can also hear us on the worldwide web at

September 10 Saturday
We have a Sagittarius Moon for the weekend. On Saturday we may struggle to express our sentiments and ideals as it seems others dominate conversations. Carpe diem or take things as they happen. There’s a sense of strangeness that we can boldly endure if we hold to our own truths. At 10:52 am, MDT, Sunday, the Moon goes void of course for rest of that day. Unity can abound if we acknowledge that all paths lead to Spirit, God, Goddess, all that is. Some seem direct, and others serpentine and steep. And does it really matter to our souls when they become disembodied?


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