Sunday, December 25, 2005

Balsamic & New Moon

December 26 Monday
We have a rejuvenating Scorpio Moon as the holiday season continues with Hanukkah and Kwanzaa beginning. A fascinating atmosphere draws us together, awakening us to changes all around us. It feels as if our attention is being attracted by the commonality of our circumstances and how they get enhanced by the inclusion of individual differences. There’s the opportunity for a new synthesis of our understanding of our human condition and how our souls grow. The introduction of new perspectives on our present situations calls for gut-felt confidence. Energies get scattered tomorrow with a void Moon all day.

December 27 Tuesday
The Moon is void of course, draining herself of the vulnerable, yet powerful sensitivities of Scorpio. This state in which miraculous and strange phenomenon can occur lasts until after midnight. At 9:50 am, MST this mysterious Moon enters her balsamic phase, attuning us to which of our future desires might warrant our full attention as we detach from attitudes and values that no longer serve any worthwhile purpose in our lives. This balsamic phase covers three and half days in which to envision which modest efforts to pursue with the coming new Moon in Capricorn.

December 28 Wednesday
With a Sagittarius Moon this Wednesday, we are urged to put material concerns aside and use our spiritual understanding to stir up conditions that demonstrate our appreciation of all those magical moments in which our consciousness has expanded. By giving some structure to those times, if only a space in which to honor them, sets up a magnetic field to draw in more of such experiences. Using a journal to record one’s eye-openers can be all the form necessary. Such a tool can help us integrate the physical, social, and spiritual components of our awarenesses.

December 29 Thursday
New ideas may elevate our moods with this Thursday’s Sagittarius Moon. Even though the Moon is beyond our sight, we can sense an unboundedness that prepares us for the reception of the revelations that begin with the new Moon tomorrow night. New thoughts seem to shoot through the air around us like fireworks. An enthusiasm for life prevails and carries us along as the day unfolds. This may create an opportunistic climate. Be alert to over-simplified generalizations that may intrude on your assumptions and beliefs. Follow what stimulates your own development.

December 30 Friday
We have a Capricorn Moon with which to attend to our new year’s resolutions with the conviction of our personal authority on this Friday. For emphasis on beginning anew, we have a new Moon this evening at 8:12 MST. The theme for this lunation cycle is that of developing trust and being responsible for such ties, especially those that involve self-trust. The Moon will be void of course all day new year’s eve, stressing a need for caution. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 11:30 to noon MST for the weekend Moon Minute.

December 31 Saturday
We have a void of course Capricorn Moon this Saturday, telling us to go beyond surface appearances and to take time for some peaceful interludes on this holiday weekend. The Moon moves into Aquarius on New Year’s Day morning, bringing some comfort with fulfilling culturally established patterns as well as a feeling of inner strength with simply going one’s own way no matter how alien it might seem to others. The differences between social images and the individual person stand out poignantly today. HAPPY NEW YEAR.


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