Sunday, July 30, 2006

Crescent & First Quarter Moon

July 31 Monday
We start the week with a crescent Libra Moon that can bring us a sense of seeking something outside of ourselves that can boost our creativity. Whatever it is seems ubiquitous yet illusive. Let’s imagine that there is no barrier separating us from what we want. We can find it within if we slip into a state of serenity. In that stillness we can awaken absolutely anything that we call forth in our imaginations. Simply ask that that mysterious object or other share its presence within. Commune with it while the Moon is void of course from 7:54 pm, MDT, until tomorrow morning.

August 1 Tuesday
The early morning hours this Tuesday are not conducive to decisive action as the Libra Moon is in one of those languid void states. At 7:08 am, MDT, she moves into Scorpio, gathering power to overcome the inertia of set routines. Gather all the new impulses and perspectives that have flowed into your mind lately. How do they confront ego fragments of yourself? Do they mirror aspects of an identity that you desire to have? Scorpio can show us how attached we are to past self-images, especially those that bind us to others. It exposes what is real and what is imagined.

August 2 Wednesday
The Scorpio Moon began her first quarter phase early Wednesday morning, urging us to seize every opportunity to overcome internal wounding and to rejoice in our ability to survive and flourish. Choose actions that develop confidence in your personal ability to regenerate yourself. Shake off any fears of being trapped by inadequacy. Make palatable changes that bear the stamp of your personal individuality. It is possible to playfully build a self image that aligns with the core of our being. It may take emotional fortitude to persist in shifting some automatic patterns.

August 3 Thursday
The Scorpio Moon is void of course most of the daytime. A void water Moon is like having the floodgates opened, being swamped by powerfully-felt emotions. A torrent of images can inundate our minds. This is not a time for protective gear so much as it is for anchoring, and allowing one’s self to be moved by the purifying and transforming energies afloat. Retreat from social entanglements that frustrate you. At 5:13 pm, MDT, the Moon moves into Sagittarius, a sign that supports the part of us that is seeking a more exciting, adventurous, or spiritual persona.

August 4 Friday
Friday’s Sagittarius Moon offers sparkling enthusiasm to openly look at the scope of one’s life and the issues the ego has toyed with to re-discover one’s joie de vivre. Liberating some enduring behavioral patterns may draw in revolutionary energies that can be applied to the re-creation of self. The time may be ripe for staging the presentation of a new you. Don’t hold back; jump into something novel. Freely express yourself! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

August 5 Saturday Saturday’s Sagittarius Moon spreads an aura of creative frenzy. At 1:22 pm, MDT, the Moon goes void of course for almost ten hours! As the Moon spews out the idealistic passion of Sag, we may expand the vision of our self image by engaging in a mental stream of free association. The Moon enters her gibbous phase at 8:44 pm and the sign of Capricorn at 11:19 pm. This begins a three day period of taking the responsibility to refine and distinguish the parts of you getting attention in this Moon cycle. Dispel any gloom by cheerfully celebrating progress.


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