Sunday, July 23, 2006

New & Crescent Moon

July 24 Monday
The balsamic Cancer Moon goes void of course at 7:50 am, MDT, for almost eleven hours. This gives an elusive, perhaps distorted, quality to the day. While the Moon is releasing the psychically rich waters of Cancer and the visionary seeds of how to next attend to one’s needs, retreat inwardly to interpret the ideas inundating you. At 6:24 pm, the Moon moves into Leo and begins a new cycle with the Sun at 10:31 pm. This new Moon addresses one’s confidence and enthusiasm in activities of self-creation. How do we make decisions that integrate our hearts and minds?

July 25 Tuesday
The new Leo Moon wants us to make dramatic changes, to birth a new vitality through being bonded to our hearts and true to the core of our being. Can we do that amidst an onslaught of ugly memories? It’s time to ward off dispiriting experiences, even if it takes some help from St. John’s Wort or 5- HTP. Define your domain as a love zone, a sacred space in which all that matters is what you give significance to. What are those well-attended to treasures in your kingdom that you are exceedingly proud of? And what happens to you without them?

July 26 Wednesday
Wednesday’s Leo Moon starts out with a wildfire capacity to inspire us on how essential it is to be cognizant of how and where we are channeling our personal power. Leo wants us to know that something new is going on, and that without getting to the heart of it, we might take the initial impulses too literally and dissipate creative focus by indulging in random delights. The Moon goes void of course at 6:32 pm, MDT, lighting up the evening with a shower of intuitive flashes as she empties herself of Leo. It takes an open and receptive mind to catch these insights.

July 27 Thursday
The Moon enters Virgo at 5:36 am, MDT, urging us to be straightforward in making changes that improve our circumstances. We may need to be boldly transparent in adapting to these alterations. Yet if they are minor or insignificant, it won’t matter how blatantly they are displayed. Use an analytical mind to discern the import of the sprouting seed of this Moon cycle and how much effort on your part is needed for the potential revolution in you that is possible. How much are you willing to give to touch not only your own heart but that of others?

July 28 Friday
Friday’s Virgo Moon can pinpoint a habit that can be replaced. It’s simply a matter of choosing an emerging fresh approach and discarding what is rotten. With the expectancy of this, we cannot miss such an opportunity for change. And Mercury is stationary direct this evening, calling our attention to future possibilities. Appreciate the changing nature of reality, and prepare for shifts in plans for Saturday as the Moon will be void of course. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

July 29 Saturday The Virgo Moon entered her crescent phase just after midnight and went void of course at 7:05 am, MDT. This hazy time has an undeterminable quality to it. Some void periods feel blah, others mystical and even magical. This one may have an air of waiting for an opportunity that can best be related to this crescent phase in which we are called to keep delving into some emerging personal expression and going a little bit further with it. At 6:27 pm, the Moon moves into Libra and stays through Monday, helping us put together the feelings, thoughts, and events of the past week as they relate to something new.


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