Sunday, June 18, 2006

Last Quarter & Balsamic Moon

June 19 Monday
This week starts with an energetic provocation to free ourselves from regimens that keep us stuck on the same old treadmill. We just can’t wait for the right moment to address conflict. By being totally honest with one’s self and others, resolutions can be produced. Today’s Aries Moon can assist in putting tensions into new contexts so that they can be re-interpreted differently. Rearranging the mix of personal values and shared principles can lead to reforming behaviors and situations. Opportunities abound when we’re willing to spice up our imagination with beneficial scenarios.

June 20 Tuesday
Tuesday’s Aries Moon offers thoughts for change. Ideas and plans abound for setting new standards. Restlessness can be expended by reorganizing trivia and exploring future possibilities. At 3:20 pm, MDT, the Moon goes void of course for just over an hour. Take some down time to recharge your chi. Conscious and deep breathing can do that. At 4:23 pm, the Moon moves into Taurus, slowing down a bit to relish surrounding beauty and reminding us to have a space that we cherish. It doesn’t need to be physical. It can be a sense of pleasure when recalling a thrilling story.

June 21 Wednesday
At 6:26 am, MDT, the Sun appears to stand still as he stops going south and starts to head north at the Tropic of Cancer. Happy Summer Solstice for the northern hemisphere! The Taurus Moon’s earthly delights can attune us to the flow of seasonal beauty. Taurus has keen sensory perception, reminding us to feel the softness and the harshness of this time of year both within our bodies as well as in our environment. At 7:21 pm the Moon enters her balsamic phase, suggesting we surrender to inevitable change, especially as the earth does with seasons.

June 22 Thursday
With this balsamic Taurus Moon we can easily withdraw into a magical cocoon. Therein we can dream of gathering all the beautiful things that may later crystallize into a longed for achievement. We are a quarter of the way through a twenty year period of devotion to some social goals. Today represents a critical time for crucial decisions about how to proceed. Value-based Taurus can support our ideals. AT 6:44 pm, MDT, the Moon goes void of course for two hours. Indecision can be depressive as the Moon shovels out Taurus’s solidness. At 8:49 pm, the Moon enters the inquisitive domain of Gemini.

June 23 Friday
This morning’s Gemini Moon questions how deeply we have probed the raw material of our identities. What responses have coalesced in our minds? And are there parts of who we thought we were that we are ready to throw out? If so, now is a good time for releasing them. A Moon cycle is a self-discovery process. During these last two days of the cycle we can evaluate what we’ve learned and prepare for new information. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

June 24 Saturday Saturday’s Gemini Moon whispers of things to come with each inhale, and exhales what is replaceable. The day before a new Moon has prophetic undertones. At 6:02 pm, MDT, the Moon goes void of course until early Sunday morning. Let the Moon fill your mind with gentle thoughts and Gemini’s quick-wit. Sunday morning at 10:05, we have a new Moon in Cancer with a theme of feeding basic needs. To do this we may gather memories of our past--those that are rational along with the irrational, perhaps even insanely emotional, to see how variations of our personal history continue to play in our lives.


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