Sunday, May 14, 2006

Disseminating & Last Quarter Moon

May 15 Monday
Monday’s Sagittarius Moon celebrates the vastness of life by shifting into a rhythm that is in perfect attunement with natural processes. If we are holding fast to a positive sense of worthiness, a vision on new ways to shape our magically powerful selves may emerge. At 2:15 pm, MDT, the Moon goes void of course for over six hours while she releases Sagittarius’s philosophical insights on universal laws, especially those about gender and polarity. There is no masculine without the feminine. And every shadow, no matter how dark, has an equivalent amount of light nearby. At 8:59 pm, the Moon enters the authenticity of Capricorn.

May 16 Tuesday
The Capricorn Moon may authenticate what we have concluded about recent revelations, assisting us in connecting and organizing events and attitudes so that they complete a view of our personal assets. The Moon moves into her disseminating phase at 4:07 pm, MDT. This is the stage in which to uncover or display whatever changes have been realized or accomplished. The Capricorn Moon suggests we exaggerate with flourishing gestures or mannerisms some talent or attitude representative of our self dignity. Capricorn, however, will not tolerate any phoniness.

May 17 Wednesday
Wednesday’s Capricorn Moon stirs up memories of past accomplishments, even those beyond this incarnation. We might recognize certain innate skills, formidable to live up to, that cannot be denied. What we know to be true about ourselves wants to be expressed in a manner that brings satisfaction. Acknowledge and honor the sweetness of what really matters so that it gets reinforced. Let oppressive thoughts be transformed into upbeat encouraging ones. After 8:10 pm, MDT, the Moon is void of course, dropping us into a groundless dreamworld.

May 18 Thursday
The disseminating Moon is now in Aquarius promulgating a whole new level of exposure of what is really inside of us. This comes with an understanding of what our true worth is. Aquarius wants to liberate us from the bondage of needing to disguise our differences. Yet today’s planetary energies suggest we carefully think about how we tinker with social perceptions. Too shocking a display of our uniqueness might meet with disappproval in some circles. Yet there is a promise of prosperity if we use our internal barometer to gauge where approval can secure and enhance the quality of our lives.

May 19 Friday
Friday’s Aquarius Moon suggests we attend to re-organizing our self-concept. The value we place on ourselves can be a radical departure from previous assessments. The outcome may bring us more into alignment with our collective participation in all that we call human. Active engagement in mankind’s evolution amplifies our spiritual energy. Be hopeful and show appreciation and approval of everyone who supports your future. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

May 20 Saturday
We have a Pisces Moon in her last quarter phase for the weekend. It’s time over the next three days to acknowledge the recent acquisition of power emanating from a transformed sense of worth. Pisces can help us imagine lots of ways to strut our stuff in the marketplace. And the Sun enters Gemini tonight at 10:31 MDT, hightlighting the diversity of things and information available in our environment. So on Sunday we don’t need to present ourselves in the same old manner. We can show off our special interests in some wildly provocative way with all that’s available.


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