Monday, December 01, 2008

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

December 1 Monday
With this Capricorn Moon we may strongly sense the social values that bond us to people who favor certain structures, like the way a business is organized, or the principles that guide a disciple such as in martial arts. Attention may be given to the leaders or teachers in such structures, and more specifically to the receptive, accepting qualities they possess. At 1:41 pm, MT, the Moon enters her crescent phase, a time when the past ways in which group involvement were performed are constantly present to us. In this cycle emphasis is put on the pleasure of how things flowed while participating. It becomes a struggle to change those habits.

December 2 Tuesday
The Moon is in Aquarius, reflecting the unique roles we play in our lives and the personality archetypes they represent. Which of them are you embodying today, the seeker, the lover, the storyteller, the ruler, the server, or some other of the many parts in our social modes? When focused on progress, it helps to know at what levels one is operating. There could be several simultaneously activated that assist in expressing loyalty to an ideal way of participating in a group, one that does not foster total dependence and that allows for the expression of personal needs for freedom.

December 3 Wednesday
With this Aquarius Moon, we may be acutely aware mentally of our roles in the team of humanity, or we may go about functioning on automatic pilot, missing the beauty of how well orchestrated our gregarious nature is. We have access to an infin ite sea of associations. To be stuck in any one possibility is to live in an illusion. The stratagem, or craft, is to find the thread that connects most, if not all, of the worlds we can invent. The Moon goes void of course at 7:15 pm, MT, blowing out the systemic links of Aquarius throughout the night and into tomorrow morning.

December 4 Thursday
With this morning’s void of course Aquarius Moon, we may expand our vision of social participation by accepting the precariousness of being thrown into a team effort situation. Therein, we can give credence to inventive suggestions. Instead of complaining about what is awful, try admiring what is perfect. At 11:23 am, MT, the Moon moves into Pisces, enticing us to feel like we are in control of the various detours and distractions confronted. The rest of the day buzzes with excitem ent, especially around ideas for renovating social structures.

December 5 Friday
With this morning’s Pisces Moon make a clear choice to develop some aspect of being a team player so that you can demonstrate the value and enjoyment that it gives you. This decision is important for receiving the full benefits of this lunation. The Pisces Moon enters her first quarter phase at 2:26 pm, MT. There is a need to shift into action mode during the next four days to work out tensions faced while engaged as a team member. The time is ripe to transition to a whole different playing field. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

December 6 Saturday
While there may be difficulty with words or speaking out this Saturday, the Pisces Moon fosters belonging and clears up doubts that come from only regarding the externals in life. It is the inner essence of things that truly unite us. The Moon goes void of course at 5:43 pm, MT, releasing feelings of separation while pouring out the oceanic waters of Pisces for almost two hours. At 7:44 pm, she moves into energetic, headstrong Aries. This evening and Sunday we may feel a need to move out and perform alone to circle in on some goal that deserves group recognition.


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