Sunday, December 27, 2009

Gibbous and Full Moon

December 28 Monday
The Taurus Moon entered her gibbous phase at 5:27 am, MT, when there is a need to play along with what is developing by using a technique that comes naturally or simply that works even if it is incongruous with your nature. The pace of some familiar rhythm is accelerating, creating a stir which can be used to finish up a plan for progress. One’s personal responsibility to evolve is put to the test in relationships today. Everyone plays a role in life’s journey, but not everyone is trustworthy in fulfilling her part. Self-sufficiency, however, often falls short of what is possible.

December 29 Tuesday
With this Gemini Moon destiny or fate seems to be prevalent. Avenues of communications may link us to unlikely or unusual guides, especially if we have been introspective during this phase of Mercury retrograde. A big part of our internal conversations needs to be with greater beings who can guide and heal us. We can meet challenges with the aid of inspired points of view. With Gemini, some part of us can either lull on the surface of things or go vertically very deep, tapping into a trove of ideas. We get to decide between superficiality or profundity.

December 30 Wednesday
With this morning’s Gemini Moon we can have vivid imaginal times that fill in plans for the future. It’s important to search for ways to implement one’s vision of it. At 1:29 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course, beginning to shake off the many facts brought in with the winds of Gemini. During this time conversations may be evasive, misleading, or unclear. We may lose ourselves in the world of ideas unable to find a solid reality. At 7:45 pm, the Moon moves into the instinctive, highly personal world of Cancer. Cancer offers the security of an inner foundation from which to express feelings.

December 31 Thursday
The Cancer Moon, like our families, reminds us of the instinctual conditioning behind the spirit of many social forms. The full Moon occurs at 12:13 pm, MT, not visible in most of the United States. It’s a lunar eclipse, giving us a preview of some of the issues to be handled with the solar eclipse in two weeks. This full phase reveals how well we are able to maintain a good arrangement, one that sets our heart strings singing. Notice whether or not it is easy for others to elicit emotional responses from you. Are your feelings easy to read, or are they sealed tight within unable to be budged?

January 1 Friday
With this Cancer Moon we may feel strangely connected to our emotions or completely cut off from them. The Moon goes void of course at 8:43 am, MT, for eleven hours. During this time compassion comes easily. Reality may be hard to deal with but not the emotional vibes. Expectations can come about by the strength of the feelings we have for them. At 7:41 pm, the Moon moves into the playful world of Leo. Happy 2010! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

January 2 Saturday
The Leo Moon shines brightly on our essential patterns and beckons us to focus on our inner fire, the passions that motivate us to be creative. Emotional excitement is heightened today. There are opportunities to tap what is inside of us in many different ways. On Sunday we can access and relate to spiritual sources and healing. At 5:28 pm, MT, Sunday, the Moon enters her disseminating phase, a time to demonstrate the recognition of our inner longings and their roots in our cellular memory. The Leo Moon enjoys dramatizing such revelations.


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