Sunday, April 25, 2010

Full and Disseminating Moon

pril 26 Monday
With this Libra Moon some of us may strongly sense certain expectations coming into fruition, especially if we’ve been willing to face certain limitations and rough ordeals without excessive worrying and complaints. Such conditions are guidance for maneuvering through the flaws of our nature to an improved state of being. Today the struggle between old ways and idealized futures is intense. Our job now is to assemble all the facts. By putting them altogether we may be able to read present situations as part of a greater reality in which all roads intersect and take us to a comprehensive understanding of deeper meanings of events.

April 27 Tuesday
This Libra Moon reflects sensitivity to the struggles of progressing. At 1:45 pm, MT, she goes void of course, fanning off the delicate idealism of Libra for almost three hours. During this time we may become susceptible to impracticality in relationships. At 4:28 pm, the Moon moves into the incisively perceptive realm of Scorpio. Our feelings become extra-alert, especially if tapping into the mass consciousness. It is best to make adjustments so that our energies can meld into the deeper matrices of the hidden worlds to evoke whatever life force energy is needed to remove detrimental elementals in our otherwise powerful life.

April 28 Wednesday
At 6:19 am, MT, the setting Scorpio Moon is at her fullest light, initiating a phase of revelations about some weakness deep within that is screaming for attention and cannot be ignored. Before our desires and expectations can be fulfilled this powerless part of us needs our attention and love. There is a difference between what we want and what we need. That distinction is readily available now if we choose to face a lingering inner flaw. This lunation offers the gift of guidance to know ourselves inside and out, and the motivation to grasp the complexities of our nature and exchange important bits of information about ourselves.

April 29 Thursday
With today’s full Scorpio Moon deeper intuitions are available about the inner and outer patterns of our lives that interplay with each other to establish a unity of purpose. The most important conditions to consider are those that have to do with the structure of one’s experiences and those that originate from a rebellious streak. This requires alertness that might be difficult to attain as sleepiness dominates most of the day. At 6:39 pm, MT, just as we seem to be waking up, the Moon goes void of course, emptying herself of Scorpio’s intensity and perhaps leaving us tired once again. At 8:36 pm, the Moon moves into exuberant Sagittarius.

April 30 Friday
With this Sagittarius Moon we confront our inner story and its journey. Issues of inertia and resistance come to light. By using insights about such behaviors we can integrate differing levels of our lives so that we become unstoppable in attaining our expectations. This may seem like re-discovering a vision in a new way and re-dedicating our focus and energy. Sagittarius encourages growth and self renewal based on an inner sense of what is best for one’s happiness. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

May 1 Saturday
The Sagittarius Moon evokes images of happy days with bright outlooks and feelings of belonging to some social group. There are yearnings to feel the warmth of such membership. But if we’ve ignored emotional weaknesses that cut us off from our true self, we may have little interaction with others today. At 9:36 pm, MT, the Moon enters her disseminating phase. It’s time to start showing off our many parts so that a more integrated self image can be admired. The Moon moves into Capricorn early Sunday morning, reminding us to be proud of our authenticity.


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