Monday, January 25, 2010

Gibbous and Full Moon

January 25 Monday
With this Gemini Moon we can easily circulate and shift through lots of information, labeling things in such a way that expresses multiple combinations in which they can interact. This supports understanding complicated matters, yet does not remove an element of mystery that lingers throughout the day. Passions run high today, and in the midst of unknowns there are strong feelings indicating exactly what one desires. These emotions can serve as radar for getting in tune with what we are presently resonating towards and go after it. Be fearless in making adjustments to follow your heart.

January 26 Tuesday
This Gemini Moon juggles intense feelings and passions. We want many things and need to choose. We cannot easily slip around troubles and unexpected interactions. There are constant reminders of some bare facts that need attending to. So much can go wrong, and so much can be fixed. A path can be created by focusing on what’s ideal. Gemini has a very active mind often facile in using imagination. The fantasies conjured up are often dismissed as just that, make-believe. Yet so much of our lives are determined by our beliefs, even those we are unaware of. Do your fantasies deserve your belief in them?

January 27 Wednesday
The Gemini Moon entered her gibbous phase last night. This is a time to play along with what is developing by using a technique that comes naturally. Full participation is needed. The Moon is also voiding herself of inquisitive Gemini until 7:01 am, MT, when she moves into the generating energy of Cancer. Today we need to be one-pointedly intent upon following the flow of our feelings to grasp what kind of adjustments are needed to be in sync with higher intellectual and spiritual understanding. A relentless examination of what is motivating us may produce a convergence of supportive forces.

January 28 Thursday
This Cancer Moon offers a subtle support system for whatever is thrust upon us to take responsibility for. This can help us maximize our efforts to experience life more fully. Breakthroughs may occur today that clear out psychological blockages that keep us tied to the past. Cancer is a sign that is well tuned into the comforts of what has been. Staying in the confines of the past feels both protective and cozy, yet this can have a stagnating effect, thwarting efforts to grow. With Cancer we are urged to honor our original nesting conditions and leave them behind to develop our individual capacities.

January 29 Friday
Since last night the Moon has been voiding herself of Cancer’s nurturing fluidity. At 7:10 am, MT, she moves into fun-loving Leo. We may feel extremely sensitive and defensive. Confrontations may occur either internally or externally. Notice what they tell you about yourself. There are precious emotional insights in such moments. At 11:18 pm, MT, we have a full Moon illuminating us with warm protection as we play out dramatic feelings. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

January 30 Saturday
The Leo Moon is in her full phase, drawing our attention to accessing some ideal lest we be entrapped in a lower plane of reality. In this cycle revelations may be about how we do or do not stand firm in our own knowing that comes to us through all our information gathering faculties. What does it take for us to feel protected, backed up in our own truth? The mental gyrations of our rational minds can entangle us in plots, counterplots, and subplots. Our feelings and intuition don’t lie to us. It’s our interpretations of them that do. The Moon voids herself of intuitive Leo overnight and moves into the critical demands of Virgo as other planetary energies test our capacities.


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