Sunday, January 31, 2010

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

February 1 Monday
This Virgo Moon assists in getting insights into how we have been moved deeply in the past and how we handle the intensity of such situations. We may uncover values that help us connect the dots between our physical and emotional resources. Complete honesty with oneself can lead to recognizing some surprising yet inevitable conclusions about how we play with our feelings and how we use supportive forces to protect us when vulnerability is palpable with raw emotions. We are confronted today with our emotional reality which may be something we’d rather avoid. Befriending those needs, however, can be rewarding.

February 2 Tuesday
The Virgo Moon entered her disseminating phase early this morning, a time for sharing personal recent insights about emotional aspects of your life. The Moon has also been shedding herself of Virgo’s propensity for details. After the Moon moves into socially aware Libra at 6:42 am, MT, the perfect time for sharing observations may show up. An intimate exchange with a mentor or someone whom you have the utmost respect for may be ideal today. Consider also paying close attention to your internal dialogue. Exposing what you’re feeling can produce some powerful understanding.

February 3 Wednesday
With this Libra Moon we can easily appreciate the unlimited ways in which we can make connections. Our imaginations can propel our senses to link so many things, seeing through the illusions of separation. Examine what appeals to you for greater understanding of how your emotions get activated. Conditions that triggered strong emotional responses when we were young may still do that to this day. A super-sensitivity may protect and hide some of these feelings. Those are the ones that are worth looking closely at to determine if it is time to make room for different responses.

February 4 Thursday
The Libra Moon is void of course part of this morning, airing out the calmness of Libra. Choose activities that keep you serene until 9:56 am, MT, when the Moon moves into the mysterious realm of Scorpio. This sign promotes determination to improve life. Resistance to distractions and diversions may be strengthened. Today we may feel like we can take on most things that come our way and succeed in dealing with them. Beneath the surface our personal confidence is aroused. Stirring up trouble, however, can also expose vulnerabilities. Social warmth may help to get a message across.

February 5 Friday
The Scorpio Moon enters her last quarter phase at 4:48 pm, MT. The next four days are supportive of comprehending the meaning, value, and purpose of certain emotional states, especially those that indicate life’s preciousness and reveal a unique and colorful vision of life. Investigate inspirations today, and be willing to change plans or points of view to maintain a course towards achieving some ideal. Scorpio resourcefulness and cooperation attain desires.

February 6 Saturday
The Scorpio Moon goes void of course at 9:11 am, MT, draining off the sticky, hidden residue of dark emotions. Things are not what they seem during this time, but they can inspire some changes. At 5:04 pm, the Moon moves into the belief-strengthening sign of Sagittarius. Our inner eyes may see the many lessons our feelings have been teaching us. Sunday brings many opportunities for heart to heart encounters. The emotional atmosphere favors a knack for caring, creative imagination, and for turning up the voltage for fun bantering! Just clear a space of time for it!


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