Sunday, December 12, 2010

First Quarter and Gibbous Moon

December 13 Monday
The suggestible Pisces Moon enters her first quarter phase at 6:59 am, MT. Today and the next three days are the most supportive of developing some new concept, of achieving short term goals. Unorthodox behavior may bring the biggest leaps forward this Monday. There’s strong, stimulating trickster energy that combined with determination can bring desired consequences. At 5:35 pm, the Moon goes void of course, pouring off the seemingly endless sentiments of Pisces for almost seven hours. During this time our imaginations can be fluid, providing us with all sorts of guidance.

December 14 Tuesday
The Moon moved into straightforward Aries early this morning. With this energy we can pierce into the deep core of the patterns that rally us to take action. Experimenting with intuitions, going to any lengths that they can lead us, will reveal much about how far we allow the unseen to guide us. At what point do we switch from the intangible influences in our lives to the external physical ones? Acting on our instincts and inspirations, which are linked to our body wisdom, may require some bold, even courageous, deviations today. Such behavior, however, may provide wealthy self-discovery experiences.

December 15 Wednesday
The Aries Moon is notorious for being strong-willed and impatient with anyone or anything impeding her course of action. Today that may entail duties or cleaning up the debris left behind after emotional fireworks. The Aries Moon often finds no reason to hide what is on her mind, no matter how delicate the situation may appear to others. If we feel like exploding today, it might be best to first ask ourselves if this is being triggered by ego as versus some compelling need to improve a situation for all concerned. New inspirations for developing structures for a better life surface today.

December 16 Thursday
The Moon is void of course this morning, snuffing out impetuous Aries. Being active may be like chasing rainbows until 11:49 am, MT when the Moon moves into the concrete certainty of Taurus. Forming mental pictures of what’s unfolding and letting go of certain attachments to the way things have been may happen without effort. We may struggle, however, to assert any confidence or faith in a better future. Taurus is industrious. She finds ways to transform the simple everyday expectations of life through modifying behavior and beautifying the surroundings.

December 17 Friday
The Taurus Moon enters her gibbous phase at 8:11 am, MT. By this time in the cycle, if we’ve been paying attention, we are well aware of what is happening with enduring structures in our lives and how they contribute meaning in hidden or mysterious ways. Today’s Moon suggests we give constant and persistent attention to what is coming into form. We may need to address it from a variety of perspectives and be willing to respond to what is needed.

December 18 Saturday
This morning’s Taurus Moon brings opportunities for innovation. At 2:37 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course, sweeping off the practical efficiency of Taurus until tonight. During this time it may be best to stay behind the scenes and reap the wonders of one’s imagination. At 8:37 pm, the Moon moves into clever Gemini. Sunday, with a few adjustments, we can turn something around if we give it full attention. Now Gemini can be easily distracted but when focused can excel at bringing things together. The choice is to tinker and dab on the surface or get to the heart of something.


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