Sunday, December 26, 2010

Last Quarter and Balsamic Moon

December 27 Monday
The Virgo Moon is voiding herself of Virgo’s everyday wonders. During this time our imaginations can fill in all sorts of blanks if we allow our minds to freely make associations. At 10:38 am, MT, the Moon moves into the fairness and sensitivity of Libra. This sign strives to do the right thing for others. Today’s as good as any to do just that, but let actions progress naturally rather than making them conform to held ideals or making them more complicated than they need to be. “Too-much-ness” can lead to some unpleasant confrontations. Let calmness, trust, and appreciation be your companions today.

December 28 Tuesday
The Libra Moon entered her last quarter phase last night. This is a time for seeing the meaning, value, and purpose of enduring structures in our lives that lift us up and bring out the best in us. We need to be responsible for nurturing and protecting what can move us forward. We can do that if we allow spiritual truths to guide us, truths that tell us that there is no separation on the invisible levels of our existence, that activities that put us in competitive mode are really designed to bring out the best in everyone. Each and every little thing and person has significance and powers that unite us all with perfect timing.

December 29 Wednesday
The Libra Moon offers a contemplative overview of how to right some behavior as she begins to void herself of this reconciling zodiac sign at 8:05 am, MT, for over five hours. During this time we may become defensive of our conduct and escape behind the scenes. It’s best to seek compassion for oneself and imagine how everything you do is spiritually united. At 1:49 pm, the Moon moves into seeing-anew Scorpio. This sign can cut things down to the basics, rejecting everything that no longer has worth. If we engage in such a process, we may discover some precious means of transitioning into new experiences.

December 30 Thursday
Early this morning the Scorpio Moon connects with Mercury going direct in such a way that we can realistically embrace our personal worth in spite of some upsetting experiences over the past three weeks. There is a strong recognition of how cooperative efforts can get us through most difficulties. By releasing rotten old habits, we can be energized to pursue a new direction. Without such letting go, we could feel burdened and inhibited from changing the status quo. By choosing to clear out the old, we may find many changes on our minds, and adrenalin may be triggered to get into immediate action.

December 31 Friday
This Scorpio Moon is relentless at being taken on her own terms and wants social acceptance. Everything that’s important is within us. That becomes apparent with the balsamic moon at 9:15 am. Trust is needed as we surrender to the conception of a new insight. The Moon goes void of course at 12:57 pm, MT, for over five hours of rinsing off the rejuvenating feelings of Scorpio. This time is good for restoring our strength. At 6:21 pm, the Moon moves into the excessiveness of Sagittarius. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

January 1 Saturday
The balsamic Sagittarius Moon ushers in 2011, with an abundance of aspirations for the new year. This Moon warns us to be practical and make realizable goals for the year ahead. Sagittarius can be unworldly with no eye for details or the obvious at times. The Sag Moon brings inner vitality that trumps outer circumstances and may disregard responsibilities. On Sunday it may help to dwell on how you feel about some of your thoughts for the future, or vice versa: think about your feelings regarding the year ahead. Use your intuition to shape a plan for 2011. Happy New Year!


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