Sunday, October 30, 2011

First Quarter and Gibbous Moon

October 31 Monday
With this Capricorn Moon comes a day fraught with impracticality and disappointment. Boundaries are thin, producing vulnerability. There are urges to identify with some social cause yet feelings of fragility and possible deception make it hard to decide on definite action. There is the potential of creatively gathering a group together to get to some basic truths. Capricorn believes in taking a stand if necessary; it can easily resign itself to facing difficulties. This sign can be principled, incorruptible, and responsible, but not susceptible to being duped. Before acting, the methods and results are well thought out.

November 1 Tuesday
On this Capricorn Moon day there can be some wise, mature spiritual advice confronting either fear or denial of the truth. Passive resistance may be a guise for being afraid and wanting to control a situation. The Moon goes void of course at 3:00 pm, MT, scraping off the final coat of Capricorn’s organizational alliances for a little over an hour. We may be thin-skinned during that time. At 4:08 pm, the Moon moves into sometimes startling Aquarius, and unusual emotional releases may create social good feelings. Trusting one’s sense of what’s really going on collectively can expand perceptions.

November 2 Wednesday
The Aquarius Moon excels at self-reliance. This and more may be needed as we enter the first quarter phase of the cycle at 10:38 am, MT. Action is needed now to develop group participation. And even if bonds from the past make some of the togetherness easy, circumstances demand new approaches or content which arise from individual talents. Sometimes when partnerships get creative in joint endeavors, something beautiful can emerge. There’s the possibility of that happening this afternoon if the Aquarius part of us does not stay aloof.

November 3 Thursday
This Aquarius Moon finds us starting the day with excitement and sudden changes of mind. There are new frontiers with equal opportunity to pursue. Coordinating efforts to progress bring us to the threshold of new beginnings. Frustration may arise due to lack of action, but it is important that it be team action. And everyone needs to be ready for it. Things are very unpredictable. Aquarius is future-oriented, sometimes to the point of being anti-status quo. Also the Aquarius part of us may feel like leaving some people behind who have not yet earned the right to be included.

November 4 Friday
The Moon moved into Pisces early this morning, uncertain about which details to pay attention to, but suggesting persistence at doing one’s best. Hidden guidance is available through sharing the spirit of letting go of some attachments to move towards higher ideals. Aspiring for excellence in living as a spiritual, social being can lead to encounters with other levels of experience today. Clarity on such a vision comes with experimenting. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

November 5 Saturday
The Pisces Moon goes void of course at 2:05 pm, MT, washing off the sympathetic, helpful Pisces until noon tomorrow. During this time we may be especially influenced by the needs of others. On Sunday at 9:52 am, the Moon enters her gibbous phase when bringing everything and everyone involved together for a perfect grouping is important. At 12:02 pm, the Moon moves into outgoing, sometimes disloyal Aries. Aries’ tendency to act alone may rub against the group participation emphasized in this cycle. It’s beneficial for this Aries Moon to experiment with splitting time between being alone and being with others.


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