Sunday, November 27, 2011

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

November 28 Monday
The Capricorn Moon enters her crescent phase at 8:06 am, MT. This is when some friction shows up regarding our ability to strategize successfully. Temptation to revert to old ways rears its head. It’s time to rally enough courage to admit that some new moves might be needed and commit to putting in the effort needed to change. Anticipate a struggle switching modes by going with the flow of the most accessible maneuvers as long as they are not your usual ones. The Moon goes void of course at 4:01 pm, for eight hours of scraping off the deeply entrenched ways of the Capricorn part of our charts. Spiritual nourishment for mastering a shift is available for the asking.

November 29 Tuesday
The Moon is in Aquarius giving us a mental view of what is possible if we allow the alchemical ways of the Sagittarius Sun to guide us in forging a new trail. Sagittarius has access to untried ways that flare up in the mind. Such intuition can lead to a whole new order for living. And Aquarius can provide innovative designs for basic necessities. Aquarius rarely hesitates upsetting the existing conditions. This sign can update and substitute without compromising the integrity of an envisioned reality. Aquarius can display determination to invent techniques that renew the environment.

November 30 Wednesday
With this Aquarius Moon comes erratic behavior. One moment actions are bent on the future, the next on the past. The path of least resistance is acquiescing to perennial wisdom. Grandiose displays can be made with well developed talent. Souls are urged toward progress, although outward results do not matter at this time. Faltering may be due to a premature condition. Yet some of us will take on forces like David did Goliath. The major concern is whether or not the right technique is being used when resources seem limited. Magic is always an option.

December 1 Thursday
The Moon is voiding herself of inventive Aquarius until 7:45 am, MT, when she moves into malleable Pisces. There’s a tendency to preserve traditions yet a resourcefulness to try new approaches. Great hidden reserves influence movement towards something new. We can be easily influenced to explore openings to never before used strategies. Pisces needs to carefully choose one option to avoid clashes with the multitude of ways available to this porous sign. Pisces can be motivated by other-worldly inspirations. Such guidance trumps worries and sometimes even rationality.

December 2 Friday
The Pisces Moon entered her first quarter phase early this morning. It’s time to give strategies, maneuvers, the movements one takes to succeed a new form. Developing it requires inner mental alertness and perhaps tools that give one the opportunity to go into foggy, unclear places. Mercury retrograde guides us to some eye-opening connections that correspond to working out tensions brought on by the actions required at this time. The Moon goes void of course at 11:06 am, MT, rinsing off kindly Pisces until tomorrow evening. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

December 3 Saturday
The Pisces Moon is still void of course until this evening. Reality is not appealing during this time. Besides, boundaries are nonexistent. Images invade the mind. Let your ideals be the guide through a flood of symbols. At 6:51 pm, the Moon moves into impulsive Aries, revving up the adrenalin level. On Sunday the toughness of Aries can maneuver around threatening forces and hold things together while we search for a restful situation. Dealing with some tension can provide insight into one’s perception of the past. Don’t be surprised if you put your foot in your mouth or get tongue-tied!


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