Sunday, December 11, 2011

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

December 12 Monday
This Cancer Moon brings an appreciation of what we’ve learned about our habitual form of strategizing, along with an urge to break away from a personal routine maneuver. Cancer brings attention to our bodies as vehicles for emotional expression. Open-heartedness can bring people together today for work or play, or both! The most important move of the day is to be that available heart space. Making that adjustment can help us see the underlying unity of all living things, as well as the meaning of our experiences that are created when we plot out our moves to achieve a desired result.

December 13 Tuesday
The Cancer Moon begins with an urge to “carpe diem!” And then she dampens that impulse by going void of course at 9:05 am, MT, for almost six hours of withdrawing into an altered state while dousing out the building tendencies of Cancer. We may have difficulty screening out unwanted intrusion during this time when the crab’s shell becomes quite porous. Intuition and imagination, however, can be highly active. At 2:48 pm, the Moon moves into envisaging Leo and an outpouring of creative juices releases into myriad expressions, some, being quite unusual. Much encouragement comes from Mercury going direct at 6:43 pm.

December 14 Wednesday
The Leo Moon entered her disseminating phase early this morning. At this point in the cycle we need to demonstrate that we have recognized a pattern having to do with strategizing in our lives. It’s time to redesign that habit if we want to cross over into a new level of socially and culturally interacting. Today there is the opportunity to move forward on a huge wave of natural forces propelled by fate and will power. Events unfold through an invisible network of connections, some of which are totally new and some are notable for angles never before explored or experienced.

December 15 Thursday
With this Leo Moon there can be some heroic ego-overcoming. One just needs to keep looking on the bright side, pointing out the blessings! With some help from invisible supporters, things are coming together. An ideal that has been longed for may begin to emerge. The Moon goes void of course at 6:20 pm, MT, for over two hours of drenching the enthusiasm of Leo. Something might seem to be disintegrating unless we transcend mundane evidence. At 8:58 pm, the Moon moves into methodical, delineating Virgo.

December 16 Friday
The Virgo Moon can be a good researcher, digging into things which are not always obvious on the surface. This Moon has a knack for handling complex situations and sifting out the essential meanings to determine their power. This Virgo Moon can pinpoint a new direction for being successful. It involves adjustments to our habitual self-image and strong reliance on instincts to integrate all that we’ve learned before embarking on a path with greater standards. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

December 17 Saturday
With this Virgo Moon there is a strong sense of the importance of each component or individual contributing to team effort. At 5:48 pm, MT, the Moon enters her last quarter phase. The purpose of this lunation becomes clearer. We can see the meaning of our role in a social situation. The Moon goes void of course at 7:29 pm, sweeping off the fact-collecting skills of Virgo until after midnight. On Sunday we have a fair-minded Libra Moon confronting us with social and emotional responsibilities which need to be upheld if we are committed to shifting our reality in a significant and powerful way.


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