Sunday, March 04, 2012

Full and Disseminating Moon

March 5 Monday
With this Leo Moon, we awaken with scattered flashes of excitement. Our minds become restless to sort out a panorama of social beliefs that promote inertia and resistance in many of us. This can be a tough exercise, but the results will strengthen our trust in our intuitions. When we feel assured of such hunches, we can anticipate the changes that are needed in our behavior. Such a condition brings out self-assurance in the Leo part of us. Leo can be unwavering in what is perceived as purposeful. Anything that boosts Leonine self-confidence brings more of the vibrant heart-force of this sign into consciousness.

March 6 Tuesday
This Leo Moon draws our attention to emotions that may be stuck in some shut down part of us. Some of those feelings play hide and seek with us today. The lack of familiarity we have with them makes them somewhat slippery and hard to grasp. But if we zero in on them and welcome them with all of our attention, we just might create a path to recognizing them instantly. The Moon goes void at 6:27 pm, MT, stomping out the false pride this sign can sometimes indulge. Two hours later, at 8:27 pm, the Moon moves into Virgo, the sign that focuses and analyzes to find wholeness.

March 7 Wednesday
The Virgo Moon can present a measure of how things are going. During the early Morning our thoughts may be clues as to the issues needing attention during Mercury’s retrograde period which begins Monday. Uncomfortable knowledge explodes in the afternoon, and there may be an excessive push to take on some cause. Personal needs may conflict with social ones. It can help to speak up for one’s concerns. A little self-reinforcement can go a long way! Agitation is high. There are many choices and keeping calm can lead to spontaneous action which may be the only way to stay unstuck.

March 8 Thursday
The Virgo Moon was at her fullest at 2:39 am, MT, beginning a phase about being in harmony with the flow of our core energy as it emerges step by step. Just how excited are we about the flow of spirit through even our most entrenched habits? The Moon is void of course since the full Moon time until this evening. While she is sweeping off the intellectual sensitivities of Virgo, we may feel lost in craziness. Our imagination and intuitions, however, are strengthened with many bits of information from the unseen realm. At 9:50 pm, the Moon moves into ideal seeking world of Libra!

March 9 Friday
This Libra Moon reminds us of the importance of having our inner thoughts and feelings complement our external actions. How synchronized are they? Do they parallel our social and emotional behavior with outsiders? Put your all into tracing past connections that relate to strengthening or weakening the integrity of your internal and outer life. Make adjustments if need be. Some of this may be rough to get through, and trust in your ability to change can achieve amazing things. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

March 10 Saturday
With this Libra Moon, we may feel concern about the maintenance of life force energy flowing fully from within us out into all of our daily habits. The Moon goes void of course at 8:09 pm, MT, for almost two hours of blowing off the critical perceptions of Libra. At 10:24 pm, the Moon moves into insightful Scorpio. At 9:57 am, on Sunday, the Moon enters her disseminating phase. This is a time to put out information which comes from exploring the depths of one’s being and drawing from inner resources. Often this process can establish a new behavior.


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