Sunday, December 02, 2012

Last Quarter and Balsamic Moon

December 3 Monday The Leo Moon suggests we project ourselves onto a stage, playing out a scenario in our minds that satisfies our needs to socially share feelings. Reminiscing on earlier gatherings and the emotions they elicited can bring out essential patterns for relaxation and enjoyment with others. Leo is not a sign that excels in introspection. But through experimenting with roles and striking borrowed poses and mannerisms in the company of others, we can actively find parts of ourselves anew. This can be an emotional cleansing as well as recognition of how our feelings work in our relationships. December 4 Tuesday With this Leo Moon putting on a performance is required if a successful transaction is desired. Working up the emotional juice to thrill or mesmerize others can lead to fundamental changes in the way one communicates. At 3:08 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course for the rest of the day. While the Moon is stomping out the exuberance of Leo, confidence might wane. We may seek someone’s approval or at least feedback on a recent display of fun. We may also enjoy showing off the Leo part of us much like an exhibitionist. Admiration comes easily this evening but might not last. December 5 Wednesday The Moon is in the discernment of Virgo. More and more clarity is available about hidden aspects of how we find emotional relief in some social recreation. Awakening to these formerly subconscious truths can provide material for critiquing balance and wellbeing in our lives. One can easily identify those repeated activities that are simply done out of routine yet no longer hold any of the comfort and enjoyment they formerly did. Deeply rooted feelings come to the surface with inspirations about what might be eliminated for something more uplifting. December 6 Thursday With this Virgo Moon we can see the deficiencies in a habitual activity that was meant to refresh us. At 8:31 am, MT, the Moon enters her last quarter phase when the meaning and value of the inward focus of this cycle become clear and urges us to make responsible changes. It’s time to throw oneself into a new habit by repeating it as much as is appropriate. Doing this consciously can provide a joyous understanding as one’s frame of reference changes. The Virgo part of us can find a way to do this with a minimum use of energy and maximum results. December 7 Friday The Virgo Moon is void of course, sweeping off the efficiency of Virgo this morning. Under such conditions spacing out and forgetfulness can easily occur. At 11:35 am, MT, the Moon moves into approving Libra. This part of us can tell us if we’re on course or wandering aimlessly. Have we learned to move beyond a useless habit? Libra can validate whether or not we’re in sync with an ideal. And if we’re not, how to see and make the adjustments needed. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. December 8 Saturday With this Libra Moon we can compare and assess what we need to do to satisfy emotional longings. Working out kinks can bring us closer to the experience we’re seeking. The Moon goes void of course at 5:37 pm, MT, until tomorrow afternoon. While she is shaking off placating Libra, we may be reluctant to take on any responsibility. At 2:51 pm, Sunday, the Moon moves into the deep feelings of Scorpio. And at 8:35 pm, the Moon enters her balsamic phase, beckoning us to slip into a deeper, integrated matrix in which we can germinate the next seed to sprout into our consciousness.


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