Sunday, January 27, 2013

Full and Disseminating Moon

January 28 Monday The full Leo Moon wakes up for action with crack-of-dawn realizations. This Moon, however, goes void of course at 9:59 am, MT. So get started early since the moon is steaming off the vitality of Leo until late this afternoon. Restlessness can show up during this time, but it’s difficult to channel energy into a specific activity as distractions prevail. At 4:27 pm, the Moon moves into the efficiency of Virgo. It becomes easier to stay on task, but harder to hold onto feelings. Our minds can seem to wander off into a hidden realm of “what if’s.” Virgo’s propensity for order seems to be blocked this evening. January 29 Tuesday With this Virgo Moon there’s a need to be on top of things. We may be keenly aware of compulsions to live up to expectations. Are these demands our own or someone else’s? How aligned are they with the sense of character that we would like to display? Do current circumstances support one’s best interests? This Virgo Moon brings resiliency and toughness. Virgo can worry about the uncertainties of the future, but methodical engagement with those things under one’s care can build confidence and integrity. Comfort comes for Virgo with a sense of one’s world being intact. January 30 Wednesday This Virgo Moon can help us get to the bottom of things. By coming at issues from a different angle we can access some profound wisdom that can raise the level of social engagement. At 4:49 pm, MT, the Moon enters her disseminating phase, the time to begin letting go of some useless behavior for a new freedom in attending to life’s challenges. Some of us may want to streamline interaction within a group. Two hours later at 6:49, the Moon goes void of course for almost five hours of sweeping off self-critical Virgo. Disorientation is common during this time yet much self-knowledge can be exposed. January 31 Thursday This easy-going Libra Moon can let things take shape, including some bizarre but enlightening events. Attending to social and emotional responsibilities can boost one’s wellbeing. It may be difficult to maintain mental focus in the midst of a lavish display of embarrassing struggles. By letting passing disturbances go, pressures can ease off. Libra has high standards and expectations. Sometimes all the social graces of this sign are needed to move beyond an ugly scene. Libra can automatically check for the value and worth of situations, and then decide to engage in or separate from it. February 1 Friday During this disseminating phase the Libra Moon can easily choose to turn over a new leaf. Today some of us may display some unusual capacity to compensate for the restrictions or obstacles encountered recently. New information leads to wiser perspectives. At 6:03 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course until Saturday morning. It’s ideal to plan a relaxing evening free of engagements. Libra can easily flow with the natural order of things. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. February 2 Saturday With this tough and resourceful Scorpio Moon, we can burrow deeply into murky situations and reach out to help others in distress. Scorpio is well equipped to bear the burdens of others. On Sunday the Moon enters her last quarter phase, when a new direction seems urgently needed. We are called to look differently at the tough, somewhat dirty situations we encounter. Sometimes those who seemingly thwart our goals are not our enemies but our companions showing us the fallacies of our ways, helping us to see our path in a new light. Scorpio can engage intense relationships which uproot what needs to change.


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