Sunday, February 03, 2013

Last Quarter, Balsamic, and New Moon

February 4 Monday The Moon is purging herself of Scorpio in the early hours this morning. It’s best to keep in the shadows out of sight during this extremely emotional time until 8:45 am, MT when the Moon moves into cheerful, relaxed Sagittarius. With this sign one’s imagination can wander freely and unwittingly discover some vulnerability. Consider it a warning to avoid confrontation today. Energy levels are erratic as well as focus. Getting started on anything may be troublesome. Yet sensitivity levels are high. Valuable information can be gained by following hunches which come from the heart. February 5 Tuesday This Sagittarius Moon brings profound insight into the truth of a matter, not just mere facts about it. It’s possible to see through the superficial trappings of some habit which is beyond usefulness. Intuition encourages a reframing and restructuring of some behavior. AT 1:42 pm, MT, the Moon begins to void herself of enthusiastic Sagittarius throughout the rest of the day. It can get difficult to cope with demands, yet there’s no easy way out. Retreating into one’s inner world to play with future outcomes can offer some relief. February 6 Wednesday We begin the day with a void of course Sagittarius Moon snuffing out the excessiveness of that zodiac sign. Feeling immobilized this morning is just a reminder to ease into the day. At 10:55 am, MT, the Moon moves into dealing-with-consequences Capricorn, some of which might exacerbate any difficulty making up one’s mind. Some hardships might be melting like ice as a new potential starts to take form. With a focused intention it is easy to navigate through any obstacle that appears. The Moon enters her balsamic phase at4:26 pm. It’s time to bring together a new vision. February 7 Thursday The Capricorn Moon goes void of course at 5:43 am, MT, until noon tomorrow! While the Moon is scraping off the “should’s and must’s” of Capricorn, we may feel inhibited in making changes and what they might do to our status. Letting go of fears may be the best use of the day. Superficial reasoning can lead us into a quandary which can dupe us into believing things that aren’t true. That is Capricorn’s worst nightmare. Meaningless burdens can weigh us down. Imagination can come to the rescue. Envision troubles being washed down the drain in the shower and look around or inside for something new. February 8 Friday With a voiding Capricorn Moon this morning, we may feel a bit cantankerous or fidgety, leaving tasks unfinished. At 12:16 pm, MT, the Moon moves into reckless and defiant Aquarius. There’s a sense of how one creates one’s reality as plans are made to restructure an area of one’s life. By gathering the wisdom that comes from understanding our past, we can perceive new openings and possibilities for a different future. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. February 9 Weekend This Aquarius Moon is extremely sensitive and idealizes innovation in just about any form. We have a new Moon just after midnight at 12:20 am, MT, Sunday. During this new phase, impulses arise regarding finding outlets for one’s creative adventures and noticing how we do that and how effective that behavior is. The Moon goes void of course after conjoining the Sun and blows off erratic Aquarius until Sunday afternoon. Hiding out with one’s inventiveness can be fruitful. At 2:19 pm, Sunday, the Moon moves into impressionable Pisces and many ideas come to life! Follow one’s intuition, especially when it comes to choosing between companions and work.


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