Sunday, September 15, 2013

Gibbous and Full Moon

Monday September 16 The Aquarius Moon entered her gibbous phase last night. It’s time to unveil emotional attachments to one’s family and examine their virtues. The Aquarius Moon went void of course early this morning. It’s throwing off the humanitarian and friendly perspectives of Aquarius until tomorrow morning. During this time a high degree of sensitivity is available. And if one is so inclined, it could be an ideal time to delve into the mysteries of some family dynamic. Everyone feels like family. There are wishes to fit in with groups, yet a sense of loneliness may arise. There can be a tendency to avoid the usual mundane tasks. Tuesday September 17 The day begins with an elusive Aquarius Moon, and at 7:58 am, MT, the Moon moves into the expansive imagination of Pisces. Compassion and dreams of better times stir up good feelings. Memories of pleasurable family relations can arise. Some of us might grieve the loss or deprivation of enjoyable circumstances. Self-indulgence and valiant efforts can provide many viewpoints of how family dynamics operate on several levels simultaneously. Pisces, like water, needs structures to contain the flow of feelings. Sometimes confinement, whether it’s a physical space or a mental focus, can be the ideal support. Wednesday September 18 This waxing Pisces Moon can make us feel like we’re almost at the end of the road after some heavy-duty trials. It seems like breaking through the finish line after completing some large task. There’s ultra sensitivity to obligations. Self-discipline to rise to the responsibilities is expected of all. A lack of true sympathy, let alone empathy may exist in spite of the compassionate Pisces Moon. Some of us may behave in a caring manner simply because the situation demands it. Impolite behavior can be a flaw to be eradicated today. There are many ways to experiment with relationship dynamics. Thursday September 19 The Pisces Moon was at her fullest at 5:13 am, MT. Revelations begin to pour in about the light and dark sides of our families and ancestors. We can appreciate the fine points while being aware of the rough edges. At this full point, the Moon goes void of course for almost six hours, making the morning seem as if there’s no compelling direction. It’s best to simply take in everything and follow inner impulses. At 10:58 am, the Moon moves into self-discovering Aries. Hidden influences urge us to explore the many planes of our existence. We can learn much about the multiple ways of our ancestors. Friday September 20 With this Aries Moon comes urges to act like a maverick. Following such impulses may bring about chance meetings which help one weave remnants of family patterns into a story line. The Aries Moon can bring alertness to the overall picture. At 7:25 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course until mid-afternoon on Saturday. During this time we may come to the realization of an inability to be fully who we are without the talents and imperfections of our families. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend September 21 and 22 The Aries Moon is void of course until late in the afternoon. As this still full Moon wanes we may find ourselves idealizing our childhood and identifying with a sense of mission in life. Everything seems to be personal. At 4:33 pm, MT, the Moon moves into the practicality of Taurus but with dreams full of hope for a good life. On Sunday there’s a need to balance obligations to other people. The Sun brings strength and vitality to do just that as it moves into harmonizing Libra at 2:44 pm. There’s a magnetic force drawing us to putting our responsibilities in relationships in order, not allowing for distractions.


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