Sunday, December 29, 2013

Balsamic and New Moon

Monday December 30 Early this morning the balsamic Sagittarius Moon went void of course until late tomorrow morning. Today reality may escape us, as we might find our heads in the clouds, inattentively going through ritual motions. The Sagittarius in us is used to operating intuitively but not necessarily in an integrated way. As the Moon returns to where she last met up with the Sun, we have the opportunity to notice how well rounded we actually are when outer conditions are vague. Issues around bewilderment cloak us in a haze, making it hard to understand the magical realities around us. Subconscious motivations work hard at gaining a rational clarity which is near impossible today. Tuesday December 31 This morning it may take conscious focusing to enter the real world with this void of course Sagittarius Moon unless we’re hard wired on automatic pilot to do that. One’s inner mind set might stand in the way of taking any action. At 11:01 am, MT, the Moon moves into resourceful Capricorn and brings a clear sense of things to get done before the end of the year. Practicality and responsible action keep us grounded. There’s security in motion today. Being a couch potato gives Capricorn the blues. There’s explosive, erratic reactions afoot this evening. It’s best to skip any foolishness and stick with wise decisions about how to spend New Year’s Eve. Besides, it will be a very dark night with a new Moon. Wednesday January 1 At 4:14 this morning, MT, the Moon and the Sun came together for a new cycle in Capricorn. This new Moon brings impulses to improve one’s social standing in an evolutionary process which maintains what’s good and adds some polished touches. First we need to think about our social life and what’s positive about it. Do we have layers of facades that we put on in public? What’s the quality in our interactions with others? Are we empowered by them or insecure? Are we cautious in gatherings and hold back? Our cultural engagements can reveal much about our emotional states while in the company of others. The connections we make today can help us sort out the answers to these questions. Happy 2014! Thursday January 2 The Capricorn Moon is void of course until 10:03 am, MT. While she is shoveling off aspiring-to-high-places Capricorn, we may feel inhibited from diligently going after any improvements. It’s best to visualize what we want to accomplish. When the Moon moves into progressive Aquarius at 10:03, we can boldly seek the thrill of actualizing what we’ve imagined. Keeping it simple can be rewarding even if it makes us feel hemmed in. By aligning ourselves with our inner ideals, we can bring about dramatic changes. Important connections can be made by following waves of strong emotional surges today. Open-mindedness and some sound common sense can help us evaluate what’s worth pursuing. Friday January 3 This day with an Aquarius Moon begins with a spontaneous playful attitude useful for comparing one’s way of living with other’s. If we intentionally look for guidelines with which to measure what we consider the “good life” and follow our conscience, we’ll find them. At 6:46 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow morning at 9:58 when she moves into union-seeking Pisces. Sensitivity is high this evening, and it’s conducive to losing oneself in some creative project or simply in daydreaming! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend January 4 and 5 The Aquarius Moon entered her crescent phase at 8:41 am, MT, and an hour later moved into all-accepting Pisces, ready to put total attention into looking at the cultural dreams of having an ideal way of living and maintaining it. The Pisces in us may see how we’ve completely merged with images of such a view. Many profound feelings arise as we evaluate our living conditions. On Sunday we can learn more about social beliefs regarding standards of living and obstacles to them. Their psychological patterns are easily revealed. It can be advantageous to imagine how to simplify the complexities of our social situations. We can question and explore in our minds new possibilities and trust our impression in the process.


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